Chapter 2

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I skimmed the water's surface, swimming swiftly and efficiently towards the coast of Oregon. After Serena had told me where her brother now resided, we parted, saying our goodbyes until next time this year. Short, was our brief catch up,  but my anticipation for this night kept me restless to begin my journey. I didn't want to miss the moon at its apex, or else I would have to wait for another full moon until I got the opportunity to transform, and hovering in one area for that long is dangerous. I have heard the stories of mer that got caught in nets or spotted by humans. They didn't end well. 

Slowing down my speed, I turned so my back was facing the black abyss below me. I looked up at the moon above me, its distorted image rippling gently with the waves. I always loved the way the sky and stars looked from beneath the water, and how the moonlight seeped through the water, creating a dreamy appearance. How will it look like from land? My mind drifted into daydreams: I dreamt of what humans will be like and if I won't feel alone anymore. My heart swelled with longing. 

Stupid human heart, I chided. I can never keep my emotions in check, thanks to my human side. It's infuriating at times, and then I get even more infuriated by the fact that I am getting infuriated. 

I snap out of my thoughts when I notice the moon rising, only about half an hour until it's at its peak. That's when the transformation can commence, as long as I am fully out of the water. I start to swim towards shore, as I am about 10 miles off the coast of the bay. Darkness has swept over the sky by now, so I know its safe to poke my head out of the water. 

I lift my head out; the waves rock me gently as I glance around. A beach is about a mile in front of me, and I can see the outline of boats and a small harbor which holds them. A few dim lights are lit in the windows of some small fishing houses, but there aren't many. I know I can't risk being that close to humans still, even if it is dark out. If they saw me before my transformation, I might as well be dead. 

Observing the coast for a few minutes, I spot a small alcove that's shrouded my rocks which block the view of the harbor. It's rocky, and with my new legs, I doubt it will be easy terrain to cross. But I know its better than the latter. 

Now, where would Cal's cottage be? I swim a little closer and sweep the outline of the small fishing town in front of me. I can see that there is a main street that leads further into town, farther from the coast. 

Maybe he lives in town?

That would be inconvenient, seeing as then I would have to walk to town and try to get the humans to tell me where he lives. 

But then I spot something out of the corner of my eye. A small, light blue cottage, not more than one room, sits atop the small hill beside the fishing village. 

And on the porch, the silhouette of a young man looks across the water at the moon, hands in his pockets. I focus my vision; even in the dark, its heightened ability making the face clear. I recognize it. It's Cal. 

Good. A wave of relief floods me. Now that I know that's where he lives, I can transform and head over there. 

Ducking my head under, I swim into the alcove. The waves lap against the rocks as I breach the surface and swivel my head around to make sure the coast is clear. The cove is completely empty, besides a few cans and washed up debris. There is a small sandy beach littered with rocks in the center and I swim forward until my tail can't even beat against the water due to lack of space between the surface and the sand below. I have never been this close to land since my transformation when I was five. I'm 17 now. 

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