Chapter 3

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I sat on the forest floor, frozen in place.

A vampire.

A vampire was in front of me.

This is even worse than having random idiot humans try to sell me off. A hundred times worse, in fact.

The vampire tilted his head to the side, the moonlight casting a shadow on one side of his face. He was young, no older than nineteen or so. Light brown hair fell above his brow and his face was sharp and angular. I have to admit, he was... attractive. I would even possibly be inclined to introduce myself-- even though I can't speak English that well--if he wasn't a vampire that could kill me in a heartbeat.

He walked towards me, his steps slow and lethal; his tall figure towered over my small frame as I curled up against the tree.

I tried to control my erratic breathing and heartbeat. "Le-leave me a-alone."

The man stopped only a few feet before me

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The man stopped only a few feet before me. He wiped his mouth, the blood covering his bottom lip now on the sleeve of his shirt, and put his hands in his coat pockets.

"I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was smooth and velvety.

I trembled, at the cold mostly, but also at the alluring voice of the world's deadliest predator. I had heard among the merfolk about the lethal creatures that prey on humans; never seen one or had anyone I knew encounter one, but they were talked about. They actually scared the merfolk, which made fear root deep inside me due to the fact that mer don't get scared.

I didn't respond but slowly got up to my feet while clutching the tree behind me. And then I remembered: I'm bleeding.

I shoved my bleeding hand behind me, clutching it in a fist.

Along with the stories of vampires, there is also one teeny tiny detail that sent my heart pounding in my ears: the blood of mermaids drives vampires crazy. If they taste it, it is rumored to make them addicted. I have heard gruesome stories about mermaids who are slaughtered when they encounter a vampire.

The man continued to study me. "What's your name?"

I clamped my mouth shut.

"My name is Noah." He pointed to himself. He seemed to pick up on the fact that English wasn't my forte. "What's yours?"

"Callie." I lied.

It was close enough to my real name that if he could hear my heartbeat as I lied, maybe it wouldn't be as noticeable.

He nodded, then diverted his eyes to the hand behind my back. I stiffened.

"Are you hurt?"

"No." Lie, again.

He narrowed his eyes. "As I said, I am not going to hurt you."

I shifted my gaze downwards, avoiding his piercing stare.

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