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I don't own Arrow!!!

Holly smiled and waved at the boat carrying her father and brother overseas to China. She gave her mother a sideways hug and they walked back to the company together. They entered and headed up to the CEO office.

"So your father asked you to oversee the company during his little business trip?" Moria Queen asked her daughter.

Holly Queen was a beautiful girl. She had long blonde hair, like spun gold, that fell to her waist. Her eyes were a bright sky blue and her lips a pale rose.

"Yeah, sorry mom. I know he usually asks you to do this kinda stuff."

"No, no it's quite alright dear." Moria told her "Your father wants to prepare you to take over the company. I understand. But if you need any help I'm here for you."

"I know mom. Dinner tonight? All three of us? You, me, and Thea?"

"Of course." And Moria left.


"No." That was the first thing out of Holly Queen's mouth. Her family couldn't be dead. Her twin and her father couldn't be gone.

"I'm sorry Miss Queen." The officer told her.

"No!" And she let out a scream so loud it could break glass. She fell to the floor as her scream summoned her mother and younger sister.

Thea, only 13, couldn't understand why her big sister was so upset. She couldn't understand that her father and brother weren't coming back. She couldn't understand why, less than two months later, her sister packed up all her clothes and left. It happened like this.

"Holly?" Young Thea asked, looking down the staircase at her sister, standing across the room, at the door, from their mother "Holly? what's going on?" She noticed the suitcase in her sister's hand " Are you going somewhere?"

"Thea," Holly beckoned her baby sister towards her "yes, I'm leaving."

"No!" Thea hugged her sister tightly "You can't leave! Please!" She begged.

"I have to." Holly knelt down and looked deep into her sister's eyes "I'm just leaving for a little while. I'll be back before you know it. I promise."

But she wasn't. A few months turned into a year, then two, then four. After five years of almost no contact with Holly, Oliver came home.

Oliver Queen walked through the doorway of the mansion only to find his mother married to his father's old friend, his little sister a party girl and an alcoholic/druggie, and his twin missing and unheard from for the last five years. Just like he was. So he looked for her. But after a year, after the undertaking, he gave up and ran back to the island he was trapped on.

A year later...

"What do you mean 'He's back'?"

"Exactly that. Oliver Queen is alive. Your brother is alive, he's been living in Starling City for the past year with your mother and your sister."

"And you didn't think to call me?" Holly Queen ran a hand through her hair, it was still long, falling past her waist, it was still blonde and beautiful.

"It's not like I knew how to get in touch with you until now."

"Okay, that's fair."

"Uh-huh. Well now that you know, what are you gonna do?"

"I don't have much choice do I?" Holly asked "I have to go back."

"No, there's always a choice, Holly. You have a life. Live it your way."

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