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I don't own Arrow!!!

The twin Queens stepped into Queen Consolidated and Holly was immediately ambushed by workers welcoming her back. She smiled and thanked each familiar face before Oliver pulled her away upstairs to the office.

"Here's the office." He said as they walked through the glass doors into the large room.

"Ollie, I remember. I spent years here learning how to run the company, remember?"

"Yeah, but you've been gone for so long I just thought..."

"Hello Mr. Queen, Miss Queen." The blonde from yesterday hurried up to the duo "How are you today?"

"Very well Miss Smoak." Holly smiled "And yourself?"

Felicity looked surprised that Holly Queen would ask about her but stuttered out an "I'm good."

"Good. Now Ollie, I know you were never one for the company's paperwork so how about I get started on that pile?" Holly grinned.

"Sure. I'd love for you to start taking over the company too. I'm afraid I haven't done a very good job so far." Oliver laughed.

"Sure. I know you're trying though and that's what counts." Holly tried to reassure her brother "I'm happy to help any way I can though. And Ollie, maybe I can work with you on some of the finer business points."

"I'd love that." Oliver grinned.

Suddenly Felicity's phone beeped loudly, interrupting the sweet moment between the twins. She checked it quickly.

"Ol-Mr. Queen," She said "there's a problem."

"Meet me in the car Felicity. I'll be there in a second." Oliver told the blonde then turned to his sister "Sorry, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but I should go anyway."

"Of course." Holly pecked her brother on the cheek and headed towards the desk to get to work. On her way she checked her phone and smiled. She had a feeling that whatever had happened had nothing to do with the company.

Holly spent the rest of the day digging through the piles of paperwork her brother had let pile up. She attended a staff meeting and visited the Applied Sciences devision. When she was finally done she caught a taxi and headed home.

Thea was waiting for her "Finally!" The youngest Queen cried "I've been bored out of my mind here!"

"Well you know you could have come with us to the company." Holly teased her little sister.

"Not my style." Thea laughed "Wanna come to the club again tonight? It'll be fun!"

"Nah, I've still got some work to do. Oliver really dug a hole for the company."

"Okay I'll see you later then." And Thea left for Verdant.

Holly quickly headed for her lair and dressed for her night job in her blue suit, wig, and diamond mask. She started scanning for trouble in the alleyways and finally spotted a mugger harassing a young woman.

She pulled out her bow staffs and knocked his legs out from behind him. Holly, or Amira/The Princess as she was called in this line of work, leveled her staff at the man's head.

"Stop what you're doing or I swear to all goodness in the world I will make you regret it."

"Stop!" A male voice shouted from a rooftop, an arrow flew past Amira's cheek and as she turned around the man she was stopping scrambled to his feet and ran off.

"Great! He got away!" Amira threw a punch at the Arrow who was now in front of her. She knocked him to the ground.

The Arrow grunted loudly as the small, thin figure smacked him to the ground. He was caught off guard that this small girl could actually hurt him.

"Well, well, well? Who do we have here?" The girl spoke teasingly "You must be the Arrow. I'm Amira."


"Amira, dummy." Amira rolled her eyes "My name is Amira."

"I've never heard of you." The Arrow tried to get to his feet but was knocked down again by the woman's bow staff.

"That's just the way I like it. You can leave when I'm gone. Now try and shoot me and I'll have to hurt you." Amira warned him and bashed him over the head with her staff.

Oliver was momentarily stunned and when he regained his senses Amira was gone. He shouted in frustration and kicked the nearby wall. After his little tantrum he headed back to his lair.

"What happened out there Oliver?" Diggle asked angrily "You were completely off your game."

"I don't know what happened." Oliver walked past Diggle to Felicity "I need you to find out everything you can about someone named Amira."

"Who's that?" Felicity asked, confused.

"The other vigilante." Oliver said shortly.

Felicity got to searching and Diggle walked up to Oliver "So she's the one who took you down tonight?"

"Yes. We need to find out everything about her. Who she is, why she's here, and what she's doing." Oliver looked to Felicity "Find anything yet?"

"Actually yes." Felicity spun her chair around "Amira is Arabic for The Princess."

"How is that helpful?"

"When I cross referenced the two names it came up with one result. A super-powered vigilante from Central City. She appeared about three years ago but only showed her powers last month." Felicity told the boys "There are also reports of her all over the world. But those could just be copycats."

"Who is she?" Oliver asked.

Word count: 899 words
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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