Slumber Party; P.2

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You push past the professor and burst into a sprint, after climbing the magic stairs for what seemed like ages you finally made it up to the tower. You say the password (given to you by Luna) and run up the stairs to the girls and burst through the door.
"Guys hurry we have to go get an extra pair of clothes and we have to go, now!!"
"Holy shit (y/n) what's happening!" Cho quietly yells at you,
"cmon! No. Questions!"

• smol time skip brought to you bye Batman•
-in the slytherin dorms-

"What the hell why are we here and why were you running (rip vine ☹️) and pulling us along!!"
"Well I wanted to have a sleepover and I wasn't sure you were already asleep so I just did this also I got this from the kitchens since we're almost of age I got a little firewhiskey for us"
"Your an idiot (y/n) I hope you know" Sagi says,
"Hey, at least I'm a cute idiot"
(Sagi is an OC that I made a while ago she is also your roommate,, she is very intense as you will soon find out,, as well as Taurus so let's just add her in because she's cool and a Gryffindor,,)
-once all have had some firewhiskey-
"Okokokokokokok, I have an idea what if, we all, told crushes!" Said a drunken Taurus.
"Oh I was just about to say that!!" You say right before you take another swing of firewhiskey.
"Ooh ooh, I'll go first!" Hannah says, " mine is Cedric he's really nice and we play quidditch together!"
"Cool! Mine is Cedric as well but harry is nice!" Cho says slurring every few words.
"Well I liked Harry since I was 10 but either way I like someone else now but I can't tell you because you all know them," Ginny said not touching her drink.
"Well I like Draco, he's hot, and a slytherin!" Sagi said eagerly
"That is gross!!!" Hermione said
After the rest of the girls have told their crushes, it was your turn.
"Who do you like (y/n)?!!" Said a drunken Taurus,
"Oh er well, I, I like uh uh I like a person, w who is a alive?"
You attempt to hide your blush and failing miserably at that, you quickly glance at Ginny who is looking at you sort of... longingly??
"ok well let's, hey Cho do you curl you hair? I just found a new charm that can curl it for you! Heh heh heh.." you say changing the subject before too many uncomfortable questions come up.

Well that was an awkward night

After getting too tired and too drunk to do or say anything you finally drifted off into La La Land (a great movie and sleep)  and dreamed about all the things you and your, hopefully soon to be, girlfriend would do.


Hello! I apologize for not updating if you looked at my post earlier I have been grounded and so yeah... I have requests open for my Harry Potter x reader smuts if you wanna do that once o finish the chapter about Si- nope can't say... I hope you did NOT (sarcasm) guess the character.. well I'll see you later my odd pancakes,, ❤️❤️❤️

Ginny Weasley X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now