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I have it bad for that son of a bitch don't I?

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I head down to the great hall for dinner and sit across from Ginny and she smiles at me.

"Nice of you to join us y/n I haven't seen you in a while" she smiles and turns back to her dinner. I glare playfully and start


i took my seat across from Ginny and grabbed something to munch on for dinner.
"damn im really tired" i grabbed a biscuit and took a bite after that statement.
"yeah, you look it. what were you up to earlier that was super urgent or something?" Taurus asked and Ginny smiled while taking a bite of food.
"i was working with Ginny on an experiment up in our dorm." plainly stated as it happened. That is what happened after all. We were simply experimenting.
Ginny almost choked on her food when she heard my response, which was to be expected i suppose; i did mildly out us.
i heard Taurus chuckle and mutter something about me being a useless gay (which she isnt 100% wrong about, but still.)

under the table i felt a shoe touch my foot and run up my leg to my knee and mid-calf. damn, she's really doing this now? i mean im not opposed to it but still a little bit soon after almost outing ourselves at the start of dinner.
<<uhh i dont remember what year i wrote this as but im gonna say i wrote it and yall are 6th year bc ya know, 13 year olds shouldnt be doin the do, if you know what i mean. but yeah youre in 6th year AKA youre 16 or 17>>

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after dinner finished i pulled Ginny aside before going to our dorm.
"would you like to go on a walk with me?" i was still holding her hand. it was so warm and soft and i never want to let it go.
"sure, whats up?" she smiled a genuine smile. i love her smile. it lights up her whole face, that smile is what motivates me through the day. that smile that i caused. i made that smile appear on her face. i never want it to leave. her freckles are like constalations and her eyes are like beautiful gems. i dont think i'll ever be able to let her go. i dont ever want to let her go. i think i love her, and i want us to be more than just 'friends with benefits' or have what happened a few hours ago be like a one night stand. i want us to last. i want to be with her. i want to cause that smile every morning. i want to hold her hand and kiss her cheek and her lips.. oh her lips are so beautiful.
get your head in the game mate. if youre going to do this. if youre going to tell her how you really feel, then you need to focus. you need to be centerd. be genuine. be real.

she kept holding my hand as we walked out through the courtyards and down by the lake. oh hell how do i tell her? im just gonna say it straight. or should i more allude to it? no just. be yourself. i mean the worst that can happen is she says she doesnt want to be with you. that would absolutely kill me. what the hell am i going to do if she says she doesnt want to be with me? id be devastated. of course id grin and bear it. but im not sure that id be able to do that forever.
please just focus.

I'm going to tell her.

"hey Ginny? There's something i really need to tell you, and its kind of like a confession but also just a vent? i dont even know what it is at this point. just hear me out."

To Be Continued...

Ginny Weasley X female readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz