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2012 Donnie x Reader

Disclaimer, this is the first story I've actually posted anywhere so criticism is appreciated.


It all started on a cold, winter night. You were out picking up some groceries for you and your brother, Casey Jones. "Geez I can't believe that knucklehead made me go shopping in the freezing cold." You complain, shivering. "Well, at least I'm almost there." You sigh as you see your cold breath emit from your lips. A few blocks later, you finally arrive at the closet grocery store. 'Finally' You think to yourself. Annoyed and cold, you make your way into the store. "Brr!!" You mutter as you make an attempt to get warm before grabbing a basket. "Alright, let's see.."

A while later...

You walk out of the store, pushing the grocery cart in content.

You pull out a bottle of soda and are about to open it when..


You groan out in annoyance, putting the bottle of soda back in the bag and start digging in your pocket for your phone.

Once you find it, you look at the screen.

Casey Jones is calling you..

Answering, you huff. "What the shell do you want Casey?" You spat in to the device.

"Y/n are you okay? Are you on your way back home?" He asks you, worry and rush audible in his voice.

"I'm leaving the store lot now. Be there soon. What's wrong?" You ask, noticing the worry in your brother's voice.

"I was watching the news and it said there's robbers that's been spotted in your area. You got your blazes?"

You sigh. "Yes Casey. I have them."

He exhales in relief. "Okay, just hurry back. I need my cigarettes."

"Yes your highness." You roll your eyes and hang up on him, quite annoyed.

You cough and keep going, heading back to your house.

"Booyakasha!" Someone shouts quite loudly.

"What the shell?!" You shout, stopping to look around at your surroundings. Nothing.

You take a deep breath. "Easy Y/n.. you're just tired. No ones there." You whisper to yourself.

"You're wrong, ya know?" Someone else says.

"Whaaa...?" You jump and look around, dumbfounded.

"We're right... here!!" Someone shouts before grabbing you.

"AHH!" You scream, kicking and thrashing to hopefully be released from the arms holding you.

"Stop squirming girl!" A guy with a rugged accent shouts, grasping you tighter.

"Let.. me.. go!!" You shout as you bite the guy on the thumb, causing him to drop you.

"YEEEOUCH! WHY YOU LITTLE-" He growls, stomping towards you.

"Get away from me!" You scream, inching away from the man.

"Not so fast." The man roared, grabbing you once more.

"NOO!" You cry, continuing to kick and thrash.

"Ouch!" You sob, feeling as something stuck you.

"Hey, you!" Someone calls.

The guy stops and turns around.

"Who's there?!" He shouts.

A shadowy figure grabs you, carrying you to safety.

"Stay here." The figure says sternly.

You nod and stay put, afraid what would happen if you disobeyed.

The guy is looking all around him, clearly stressed.

"SHOW YOURSELF!" He demands, quite pissed and scared.

Laughter is heard, followed by a punch.

The guy falls to the ground, trembling. But then, quickly wipes his lip and gets up.

"Where are you?!" He growls lowly.

"Over here!"

Another punch.

"No, over here!"


The guy falls to the ground but fails to get up.

One of the figures gets close to him and what seems like it, whispers something in his ear.

The man vigorously nods and disappears.

Hurt and scared, you remain on the ground, basically paralyzed.

The figures approach you. What seems like 4 of them.

"Should we talk to her?" "No way." "We might scare the girl off." "Dudes, we HAVE to say something." "Just see if she's okay."

You remain silent, trying to examine the figures but to no avail. You tilt your head, the four figures only barely visible, but clearly extremely tall.

You bite your tongue. "Thank... thank you." You whisper before clearing your throat. "Thank you for saving me." You smile weakly, grateful to the strange, dark figures standing before you. They still remain silent.

"You're welcome, Miss. Anything to bring justice to the dangerous streets in New York City!" One of them says heroically.

"Dude, ugh." Another one scoffs. "It literally hurts to listen to you sometimes."

"Whatever." The voice returns to its serious tone. "If you're okay Miss, we'll be going now."

"Dudes! She's bleeding!" Your mouth goes agape, staring down at your shirt, which blood has seeped through the thin material.

"Oh. It's just a little cut, no big deal. Might need some stitches though." You say as you attempt to poke the gash, and whining in pain as you accidentally touch it.

More mumbles amongst the four anonymous saviors, before one says, "Ugh, FINE!"

"Okay. We're going to help you, alright? Just... calm down. Don't panic." One confirms cautiously, slowing stepping forward to emerge from out of the shadows. You could easily tell he was the tallest one.

You raise an eyebrow, confused. "Why would i pan-" Your jaw drops at the sight before you. A tall, purple masked creature that resembles the figure of a man, steps out of the shadows. Your hand immediately claps over your mouth and you try to scoot back further against the wall.

"See?! I told ya'!" One of the other three snaps.

"Shut up, Raphael." The heroic one says.

The purple masked one smiles softly at you, as if he was telling you it's okay.

You hesitate for a minute then slowly relax a bit before thinking to yourself,

Oh my God! What are they!? I've never seen anything like them before! They just saved my life, though... but... but...

"You're... You're... Y-Y-"

"Turtles, ma'am."

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!" An enthusiastic one chimes in. A loud smack and grumbled 'ow' was heard.

"T-turtles?" You repeat quietly, to which the purple masked one nods.

"Yes. I'm Donatello. You can call me Donnie. This is Leo, Mikey, and Raph." He gestured to the three behind him who emerged from the shadows as well, resembling the purple one.

"We wanna help you. We just need to take you in, stitch you up, and you can be on your way. Okay?"

You remain silent, still in shock.

"Turtles." You keep repeating quietly, earning an annoyed groan outta the one named Raph.

Just then, your vision began to blur, and the world begins spinning around you. Your legs become weak and wobbly, giving out on you. A muffled, 'MISS!' Was heard before your body hit the ground. You must've fainted.

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