3. your name?

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— three

I'm so hungry

y/n's point of view —

When I had awoke I was in a unfamiliar building, and a very bright one at that I groaned due to the bright light that overtook my vision and used my hand to help me up, my body was aching and I felt like absolute shit but forced my body to sit up anyways... where the hell am I...?

"Ah, You're awake!" I looked up to see a rather short woman who had her hair in a bun, she appeared to be a nurse so I concluded I was in a hospital, I opened my mouth to ask her what happened to me but she ran off somewhere all of a sudden so I just decided on laying back and resting my eyes for a while, I only opened my eyes when I heard someone coming, the man who appeared seemed to be a doctor with black hair, "Hello miss," he began while writing something down on the notepad he held, "Hello..?" I said nervously "Um.. where am I?" I asked him "You recently attempted to commit suicide.. it's been a week or two since the accident," I gasped, suicide? But I was so sure that I had been hit by a car trying to help a kid.. I clenched the white sheets that covered my body, racking my brain to find a answer but my memories were all fuzzy "Oh.. and you are currently in Hirahara Memorial Hospital," he said showing no emotion in his tone which somewhat put me off but that wasn't exactly what had disturbed me, I looked at him with shock and gulped "Sorry... where am I?" I asked him once more to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, he gave me a funny look and raised a eyebrow, "Hirahara memorial hospital.." he repeated  "Are you feeling okay miss?" He asked in concern, I put a hand to my head as I felt a headache come on, "Y-yeah I'm fine," I said in disbelief, "Alright, can you answer a few of my questions then?" He asked and took out a pen "Yeah sure," I looked down scrunching my eyebrows in frustration, there's no way this could be happening.. "Alright.. Age?" He asked "Sixteen I think.." my head was still fuzzy so I couldn't be sure, "Name?" He said, "My name is Y/n Luzier." I replied, he looked up at me "What was your name?" He asked again scribbling something down, "Y/n Luzier..." I said once more, he looked down at the paper he was writing on before looking back at me "Miss...." he said squinting his eyes with confusion

"Your name is Y/n Yoo."

Needless to say I passed out of shock, it was only when I awoke did I realise the predicament I was in.

edited: reader is now in hospital because of attempted suicide, the former situation was a car crash.

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