11. kousuke

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A 12 year old Kousuke and a 13 year old Y/n stood under the tree that was by her house

"Marry me Y/n." The small Kousuke said bluntly.

"I can't." Y/n Yoo replied almost instantly. Crossing her arms. "Why not?" Kousuke asked, not in the least bothered about her rejection. He knew she would be his anyways.

"I'm already engaged to three other people." She said with a smug face. "You're cheating on me already?" He asked. She smacked his head in return "We aren't even going out yet!" She said turning around, Kousuke felt disappointed somehow, Y/n noticed his expression and blushed "If you want to marry me then you have to be nice to my other husbands and wives."

"You have wives too?" He asked "Yes!" She replied "You got a problem buddy?" She said with a somewhat threatening look on her face, Kousuke looked away from her intimidating gaze "No.." He said. It was silent for a few seconds and he looked back up only to see Y/n's face in front of his, she bended down slightly her hands placed on her knees to meet his gaze. "Good boy." She smiled patting his head and turning around, "Lets go back inside now Kousuke!" She said running back to her house. Kousuke couldn't stop the blush that formed on his cheeks this time and he smiled at her, watching her back as she ran ahead, leaving him by the tree.

the video above is how I imagine this plays out
haruhi (brown hair) - y/n
tamaki (blonde hair) - kousuke
red hair dude who's name I've forgotten - Nol (or someone else idk)

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