Chapter Nine -- Chloe

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Chapter Nine


My phone started ringing while I was brushing my teeth at eight in the morning. Most other people sleep until noon during a break but I could never make myself sleep that late. I was always afraid that if I did so I would be thrown off once school started back. It just seemed pointless and a waste of time, not that I really had anything else that I was doing.

I spat the the toothpaste from my mouth and used the hand towel I kept on my sink to wipe my face. I should have answered my phone rather than letting it ring and wake up my sisters but I wasn't done with my routine. Who ever was calling could wait. The ringing stopped.

I turned on the sink and squirted some of my face wash into my hand. Just as I started to lather the it onto my face the ringing started again. I shook my head and kept washing. By the time I patted my face dry the ringing had stopped.

Then I brushed my hair and the moment the brush touched my hair the ringing started again. Who ever was calling was persistent. Didn't they think that I may be asleep? After it was thoroughly brushed I put my hair in two braids, on each side. It made me look so young, so much younger than seventeen, but I still liked it. The ringing stopped.

I threw the hand towel into my laundry basket and got another one from the closet. Made sure my toothbrush was clean and placed it in its container. Clean the hair from my brush and threw it into the trashcan. Wiped off the sink. Then I bent over to pick up my laundry basket when the ringing started again.

With the basket on my hip I flipped off the light to the bathroom and entered my room. I checked to make sure none of the missed calls were from my parents and then put my phone on silent. With that out of the way I went down stairs to the laundry room and started my clothes.

Back upstairs I started my search for breakfast. I'm not much of a cook, and unfortunate problem when there are two younger sister's for me to take care of, but if there's one thing I can make it's a breakfast burrito. I popped some sausages into the microwave to cook while I worked on the scrambled eggs. Once the eggs were done and the microwave beeped I took some paper towels and absorbed the grease of the sausage. Scrambled eggs, shredded cheese, sausage, and a light smear of mustard on the wrap. I put the three finished wraps on the table and set out to wake up my sisters.

Alex was first because she was less fussy. She always jumped straight up as soon as I stuck my head in the door and said her name. She grabbed her favorite stuffed animal, a purple elephant, and ran out of her room. It must be so nice to wake up that easily.

Then Melanie, because it takes a while to wake her up. As unusual I had to result to waving her breakfast in her face until her empty stomach made her wake up. "I smell sausage," she mumbled as she slowly forced herself up. Her hair was falling out of its ponytail and a strand was stuck to her lip. I smiled and backed out of her room.

With that taken care of I flipped on cartoons for Alex and poured her a cup of orange juice. "My favorite!" she shouted as I sat her food down on her little table in front of the TV – Mom and I would both die if she were to spill something on the couch.

"Breakfast burritos again?" Melanie whined when she finally made it to the kitchen. "I'm so tired of these things." Her ponytail was still messy and I wanted to fix it for her but she always got mad when I did so. I tried my best to ignore it.

"Get used to it, kiddo, it's summer time and Mom's not here to cook for you."

"I liked it better when Paige was here, she made good stuff for breakfast." She unwrapped her burrito and picked out the sausage, I had been sure to put extra on her's because it was the same thing she always did. With the sausage gone she rolled it back up and ate, acting like I was forcing her to eat poison.

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