Introduction: Written by "Milkshake"

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Hello there, people.

I just found a bunch of documents in a flash drive owned by the Freedonian Government that all seemed to be written by a bunch of, well you guessed it, emo teenagers, I mean Rufus T Firefly and his friends and enemies. Yes, he's quite unusual for a head of state because he dresses and acts like an emo teenager. Say, there's nothing wrong with that, but I just wanted to post them because I was bored. Not to mention the way Rufus T Firefly writes is absolutely weird and hilarious that your brains may wish to explode anytime. If you can't stand his absurd writing skills... LEAVE ASAP.

Oh, if you should be reading these documents, Your Excellency, I'll be deleting them for you, lest you send me to jail.

This is Milkshake out.

PS Milkshake is just an alias. We spies aren't allowed to reveal our true identities ^_^ If not, we'll get killed!
PSS I meant to say the way the president writes is just like some badly written trollfic written by some weird teenager who was bored.

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