Blak friday special!111

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PN: dont woeery dis waz wirten yestaday ok! PREPZ STOP FLMING!


guess wat!111! i fink blak friday is also da an goffik holiday ok just leik holoween! (PN: geddit coz i m gofik n i like daa color blak)1 2day i went 2 da mal wif mi bfffs pinki n chinkolini.(PN: theyre so hot lololol.) Pinky waz wering a goffik top hat wif a skul on it a red n blk checkerd shirt black leater shortz a looogn blakc leder trenchcoat fishnetz n black snekers. he also had dip dyed cutly hare that waz blonde at the top n pink at da bottom. (PN: I fink dats were he got his nam from!) He looked liek a pentagram between slash marceline da vampoire queen n agnus young. chico llini was wering a black lether jacket a ac.dc tshirt riped black jeanz black sandalz n a black truckler hart. he wore his black wavey hair in a ponytale and wore lotz of peircingz on his earz. he even had 1 on his eybrow. he was wering black lipstick. I was wering a blqck drss shirt wif bloody pentagramz on it a metallica necktie black baggy panz fisnet glovez n leather showz. i waz wering lotz of eyeliner n black lipstik.

da first ting we did ws 2 go 2 hot topix so we coold all just slpure on our money on all of da cool goffik stoff in dere. b4 dat we scofed at the fuking repz. dey all glared at us . At da monment we went in a cute voice sed "HI RUDUS!". it was my boifrend Fatty! he was working as da chasier in hot topix.

"Hi fatty long time no see." i sed flirty. den i frenched him. "its liek old times!!111"

"HE BTW who r dos ppl?" he asked me.

"oh yeah dos r mi frends pinky and chicolini." i answered.

"lol hi fatty." Chiolini sed. "hey btw pinki says he wants-a to take a selfie wif u."

"ok." fatty smelled. den we had da selfie.

"sins its black firday, all da itemz r at a 50% discunt." fatty explened.

"COOL. btw i hvae a hot topic VIP kard." i sed.

"O RLY!" fatty gasped. "BTW its now a 25% discotn. buy wat u want anywhy!"

"kawai!!!111' we all sed but not punky coz he doesnt speek or anyfink.

i broufht miself some new clothes that constiszted of a kiss tshirt fisnhet pantz a piky collar a tnk top a black traksuit and a black hoodi. chicolini brought himself some taps n cds fetusing da colest deth metal bandz a blak necktie dat sed highto hell and a nirvana pster. on da othder hand pink gazed at da seilor moon merchandise.

"no pinky dats 4 prps." i told him; "maybe u shud buy da megadeth swershirt i found. its cool."

later pinky came out in da seatshirt from da changing rum. he looked hotter dan usual.

"ZOMG" sed chicolin (PN: omg led zeppelin reference ftw!!11111 if u dont know who dey r fuk off!11!1!) den he fainted.

"looking good pinky!11" i gasped sexily. i almost has an gay orgy!111

before we left i left fatty a note. it sed:

hoi faty u shud cum over 2 mi place were we shud do it llol. xoxxo rufus

den pinky teroized all da prepz stores by chasing off da preps who where busy shoping n defaceing da shops. "excuse mi but u hav 2 leeve young man!!111" sed a security gard. pinky flip da burd at them n tried to attack dem. dats it!111 chico cheered. "go pinky!!1! take da fukking prep out!!!!!11111"


'wat do u wnta!!11" i yelled.

"U shud stop ur silly nose or elsa yull b evitef frum da mall!!!111"

"I dont care anywy after dis well buy pizza n stuf lolol. Im hungary.

"PFFFFFFF!!!!!!!1111111" sed da prson on da pa. "o my god ur ecellency all da ofder ppl at dis mal r complajning abbot u n ur stoopid antiks!!!!11"
"orly." I said. bedsides its pinky whoz doing it not me."
"FINE WAtEVR!!!!!!11111 " the peso screechd. "DA NEXT TIEM U VIDIT TIS MALL I WANT U GUYS 2 BEHAVE OR ELSE YULL BE KIXK OUT 4 GOOD!!!!!!!1111"
"ok ok fine." I replyed. "mayb next time. Ill b a good boy i promiss!"
"hmph!!!10 stopid mronz!!!!"
den we had pizza n went bak home. Along da way we lissened 2 good charlot n papa skul.

N dat is da tale we conuquerd da mall.

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