Finally The Truth

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You were now dressed and prepared for the Winterfell feast. You helped Clara get in her gown and fixed her hair right before you entered the main room in which the party was held.
When you opened the door you were blown away by the noise of a hundred northeners and the smell of roasted meat and wine. You got pushed around together with Clara by the mass of guests who were drinking by the enterance. You tried to get out of the chaos when a pair of small hands pulled you both in a distant corner further away from the center of the party.

You were thankful to your saviour who was a small boy, no older than Robb. He was quite scrawny, with curly black hair and a long face that had some resembelence to Lord Stark's. The boy seemed like he wasn't really enjoying the feast and he had a apparently perminant sad expression plastered on his face.

"I was ordered to escort you and your friend to my fath... Lord Stark's table my lady" the boy repeated the obviously prepractised sentence and gave you a sign to follow him.

"May we know your name?" You asked the little boy curiously.

"I'm Jon Snow" he answered after hesitating for a second, then he blushed and looked away from you as if he was embarased.

The name seemed familiar and you knew that you remembered it from somewhere. You turned to Clara looking for some help and you saw her mouth forming a silent "Oh."

She pulled you closer and whispered in your ear "This is the Stark bastard."

You pulled away from her when you saw Jon awkwardly staring at you two.

"Well, it doesn't really matter who you are, I just wanted to say thankyou" you told him apologetically and he mumbled something in response.
You then silently followed Snow to the big table at the end of the room, hoping to get as far away from him as quickly as possible.
He lead you to your seats meenwhile earning a nasty look coming from Lady Catelyn and then quietly returned to his peacful corner.

You just started descusing the unpleasant event with Clara when you were interrupted by your Father.

"I've heard you have been very impatient considering the matter of the  marriage proposal" he sounded angry but you knew that he was only joking when he was acting so official.

"I'm sorry Father but I'm sick of always hearing that I will be told soon. I want to know what you and the Starks are planning to do with me" you said back to him and frowned.

"Well, there is no one better to tell you that than Lady Catelyn. She made up the whole plan you know?" He left for Lady Stark and you and Clara could soon learn what were your parent's intentions. But your friend looked the slightest bit scared.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Well" she started "Robb told us that you are suppose to be wed to a southener. Does that mean that you will leave me and your family here and I will never be able to see you again?" She said, her face dripping with sadness.

You thought of what you'd be leaving behind but you never realised that this would actually happen someday.

"You can come visit me and we will write letters to each other. I'd never leave you and I'm not planning to do that anytime soon. I will convince Father to let you go south with me" you tried to comfort her but you weren't exactly sure about that yourself "when I'm there I will make sure that my husband allows you to come and visit us often."

"You promise?" She looked so hopeful, you couldn't tell her no.

"I promise. And you know I always keep my word."

You and Clara made a pact and if your future spouse wasn't going to listen to you, he'd better run - you thought to yourself.


Just a few seconds later your Father came back with Lady Stark. He sat her down next to you and then left without saying a word, taking Clara (against your wishes) with him.

"I do understand your curiosity about the marriage we planned. I was suppose to wed a stranger when I was just a bit older than you. I know that you are scared but..."

You interrupted her "I'm not scared I'd just like to know who am I going to marry."

She looked at you surprised "you do not mind an arranged marriage? I mean, I remember your Mother when I first saw her. She looked so miserable when they brought her here. I thought you would be more like her."

"I would love to be more like my Mother" you confess "but I'm not. I always loved the thought of living somewhere in the South. I must be crazy not to have any fears or regrets but I honestly do not care to whom I will be married to as long as I make my parents happy."

You saw in Lady Catelyn's eyes the pity she had for you. She obviously couldn't imagine that you would be happy to spend the rest of your life with someone you've never heard of before. You didn't blame her. You didn't even know why were you willing to do that yourself.

"Well in that case" she continued "I might just tell you who shall be your husband. No more secrets. You are obviously mature enough to take the news like a woman."

You were at the edge of your seat. Know you were finnaly being told the truth.

"I imagine your Mother wasn't very happy with our choice but" any second now - you thought - "you will marry Loras of the house Tyrell the son to Mace Tyrell and the heir to Highgarden."

You were supposed to be shocked but you didn't feel anything when she said the name. He'd be as good of a husband as anyone. You forced yourself into puting on a surprised face for Lady Catelyn so she would leave you alone with your thoughts.It worked.

"I will go now, so you have the time to process the news. Your Father will tell you everything about how and when you leave for Highgarden" she excused herself and returned to her husband.

You've already suspected that you'll marry someone from the area of the Tyrell family - maybe a Tarly - but you never thought that they'd agree to wed their only son to a girl from the North, who belongs in a house that many southeners don't even believe exists.
Now you also undrestood why your Mother was so apalled by your marriage proposal. Her family hated the Tyrells for decades and nobody knew the reason why. The only thing your Lady Mother has told you about the arguement is that it had something to do with your grandfather and Mace Tyrell's mother.
You felt sad beacuse you realised that will probably be the reason why your Mother won't want to go South with you. But maybe you were just overreacting. She loved you to much to let you meet your husband without support. And Clara? Would they let her go with you?
You weren't worried before but now your mind was buzzing and you started feeling really nervous.

What would happen if you'd never be able to see your family or the Sangsters ever again? Or worse, what if that Loras boy turned out to be the worst possible husband for you?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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