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This is the story of how my life began, the day I died.

Let's start from the beginning.


It didn't seem like the day I was gonna die. I swear, when I woke up there was no creepy organ music, no anonymous note on my nightstand, nothing! It was almost like Hel didn't care I was gonna die today! Hi, my name is Aakanksha Yorful (OC), I go by Akana, I am Indian, and I am dead. Yeah, this the best way to start story! I am fluent in 3 languages; English, Telugu, and sarcasm. My name, Aakanksha, or ఆకాంక్ష in Telugu, means desire, which makes sense, seeing that my mother is Freya, goddess of love and death. Anyway, back to my deathday. I got up, took a shower, and threw on my stuff. I'm totally emo, BTW, so don't judge me. Or, better yet, do. I don't fucking care! (The tattoo says I refuse to sink).

I plugged my headphones into my iPod shuffle and started my playlist

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I plugged my headphones into my iPod shuffle and started my playlist. I walked down the stairs and my stepmom, Tessa (OC), started talking to me. I tugged out my headphones and said, "What?" Tessa sighed, and said, "Sarah (OC) called and said she wanted to see you behind the school at 4 pm today." I nodded, grabbed a yogurt and a plastic spoon, threw on my backpack, shoved my headphones back in, and started walking to school. I had missed the first song on my playlist because of my conversation with Tessa, so the next song was the first one I heard. It was Broken by Lovelytheband, then Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. Then I whispered "fuck" to myself and turned around. I got back to the house and ran up to my room. I grabbed my weapon in case I had any magical mishaps on the way to school or at school. My mom had appeared to me once in a dream when I was seven, offering to give me a permanent magical makeover, but I said I wanted something to defend myself instead. We had a brief argument, but eventually she agreed. When I woke up, there were three things under my pillow. There was a mascara wand, a lip gloss, and a compact mirror. When I opened the mascara wand it became a beautiful dagger with a silvery blade inscripted with the runes gebō, wunjō, and sōwulō. Loosely translated that means gift of joyful sun. The lip gloss was an identical dagger. When I opened the compact mirror it spun into a sheild made of simple wood painted golden with two runes on it. Above the center was the rune Ginfaxi, standing for courage in combat. Below the center was my personal rune, Raido, or destiny. I slipped all three in my backpack and ran to school so I wouldn't be late. When I got to school I had about five minutes until we were released to our lockers, so I slid down against the wall and listened to Zombie by Bad Wolves. When we were released, I got my things in my locker, brought the things I would need for my first class into my first class and sat down, pulling out my book. The day went by quickly, with sufficient amounts of knowledge and bullying. Yes, I got bullied quite frequently at school, but I'm not a baby about it. I ignore them, take it like a woman, and move on. Finally it was four o'clock. I walked around to the back of school and found Sarah waiting for me. "You're late." she snapped as soon as I rounded the corner. She had two of her friends flanking her on either side. They stood with unbelievably straight posture, their hands folded in an impatiently patient way in front of them. I silently slipped my mascara wand, lip gloss, and mirror from my back pocket, settling the wand in my left hand and the mirror and gloss in the right. Yeah, haters, I'm left-handed! Sarah let out a low growl that was completely unlike the girly giggle I was used to hearing from her. Her growl continued and her friends joined her. They pulled closer together as if they were magnets, morphing into one wolf easily twice as tall as me. It was bright white with dark blue swirls all over its coat. Blue steam was curling off of its coat. It lunged at me. I quickly swiped the cap off of my mascara and gloss and opened my mirror. I pulled my hands in front of me and found myself holding my daggers with my shield strapped to my arm. I deflected its first blow with my shield, and its second grazed my arm. I now had three large gashes opening on my arm. I bit my lip to keep from screaming, then my vision fractured. This happened sometimes when I knew this very well could be my last fight. My senses enhanced, and my eyes threw away the unnecessary parts of what I was seeing. I saw my opening. I rolled under its chest, cutting its underbelly as I did so. It howled, and I met it with a guttural scream wrenched from the bottom of my organs. It swiped at me while I was on the ground, cutting my chest deeply in three different places. I was dying, even I could see that. And the wolf could too. It gave me a wolfy grin and started trotting away. Some of the guys who bullied me rounded the corner, laughing about something. When they saw the giant wolf in their path, they froze. I didn't like these people, but I couldn't just sit and watch as they died. I was extremely dizzy from blood loss, but I struggled to my feet. I ran up behind the wolf while it wasn't expecting me and jumped. I just managed to land on top of it. It growled and started shaking, trying to dislodge the new pest on its back. However, I had rode many a reluctant horse before, and I squeezed its sides with my legs. I drove my blade into its side, where it should hit its heart. The wolf yelped and, just before my dagger would've hit its heart, disappeared, dropping me to the ground. The two boys ran up to me, one trying desperately to stop the bleeding from my chest, the other checking if I was alive. I smiled at them slightly, and held up my hand. My shield was strapped to my arm and my dagger was on the ground, so my hand was free. In my hand I summoned a small pink flower-shaped wisp of smoke. I released the smoke from its tightly packed form and let it float up to their faces. The boy I recognized as Theo (OC) leaned down and kissed me. When he pulled back he had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He said. I laughed slightly, but it turned into a gurgle of blood coming up my throat. I coughed it away and said, "Why?" "Because," he said, "I bullied you all those years when I should've just been upfront with you. I like you, Akana." I gasped. He chuckled slightly, saying, "I know, I know," He stroked my hair slightly. I shook my head, full of fear. I tried to raise a hand, but found I couldn't. I summoned a small pink shimmery hand pointing behind them. They turned around. The wolf was standing there, snarling. Theo's hand grasped for his waist, clearly grabbing for a sword that was missing. I let out a small, sharp whistle. The wolf winced and Theo turned to me. His friend, Ben (OC), had backed into a wall out of fear. I pushed my dagger from my right hand towards Theo. He picked it up, his eyes full of tears, and made a fist with his free hand. He circled it over his chest twice, the ASL sign for sorry. We had both been in the after school ASL club, so he knew I would know what he meant. I saw something above me just then, a glimmer in the sunlight. I looked up, and saw something miraculous. There was a girl, a girl with a glowing spear in her hand and a flying horse. I smiled and thought to myself, I'm dreaming. I'm awake and I'm dreaming. She reached out to me. Without any choice in the matter, my soul pulled out of my body and reached for her hand. I looked down, and saw the wolf swipe Theo's throat out as he drove the dagger into its side. The wolf fell to the ground, dead, just as Theo did. Another glowy girl descended and pulled Theo away alongside me and my girl. I waved at him, and he threw me my glowy soul dagger thingy. Together, we flew off towards a new horizon, unknown and unpalpable.

MY LIFE AT HOTEL VALHALLA (A MAGNUS CHASE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now