Gone - (1)

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She still walks me home, although it's nearby.

She still stays by my side, although i've been alone for the first part of my life.

She's still friends with me, although i'm of no benefit to thee.

"Hey, hey, did ya see that cute patient today? The one in the ER, oh my i'm pretty sure he was checking you out..." She nudged me lightly in the rib cage.

"Haha real funny, when was the last time someone checked me out."

She pouted and ruffled my hair saying, "Come on Kat cheer up! Gosh show me that smileeee." She pinched my cheeks and forced my mouth into a smile.

Pushing her hand away, i just sighed.

"There's no point, i don't want to waste my energy smiling..."

She is Sadie, a beautiful girl with dark brown hair and slightly tanned skin. I am Katherine, aka 'Kat', a not so beautiful girl with pitch black hair and pale white skin. Sadie was rich, i was poor. Sadie had many friends before, I had none. Sadie was optimistic, i was pessimistic.

We share so many differences and yet, and yet she still protects me. One time i wrote down all of our differences on a piece of paper and handed it to her, i had hoped she would understand that our friendship wouldn't work out, but immediately after reading the title, she crumpled it up and threw it out the nearest window.

After that she immediately brought me to a hair salon, where we dyed our hair. I dyed a few strands of my hair dark blue, while she dyed a few strands of her hair strawberry blond.

"There ya go! We went to dye our hair together today, it's a sign of our friendship! And from this day on i shall always stay by your side, look Kat i don't care about our differences, i don't care what others have to say about you, all you have to know is that i'll always stay by you. Trust me alrighty!"

Yeah, i trusted her. She was like the big sister i never had, Sadie was the family i never had.

But that was a long time ago, now we have graduated and we're both working in Singapore general hospital! Pretty cool if i do say so myself.

Then again, the world isn't that fair.

I was often bullied at the hospital, and i was forced to rely on Sadie constantly. I hated that part.

And now we're here, it's almost the end of the year, the end of our first year of working in the hospital. We were walking back home as always, silently gripping our white coats to protect us from the chilly night breeze.

"Something isn't right." I mumbled under my breathe. Sadie used to tease me about my so called 'predictive abilities', usually when i have a bad feeling about something, it's usually true.

Sadie turned to me, her piercing chocolate coloured eyes stared straight into my dark black orbs.


It all happened so quickly, one second we were standing under the orange light of the lamp post and in the next second we were on the ground with 4 men above us.

Women aren't weak you know.

I pushed myself off the ground and launched a kick directed at the nearest man. My leg came into contact with his head causing him to slam into the nearest wall. I scanned the surrounding realising that we were in the middle of an empty shopping street, all the shops were closed.

Sadie had managed to take one other man down, i started sprinting down the street with Sadie and the men chased us. Out of the corner of my eye, i caught a glimpse of the men. They wore jet black hoodies and long dark pants. Of course, they wore dark clothes, i mean which criminal would want to bright neon pink and steal something.

When i saw one of them about to grab Sadie, i grabbed onto the nearest lamp post used my running momentum and swung my entire body around the cool metal object successfully kicking my legs into his chest. This force sent him flying and he crashed into another man knocking them both down like bowling pins.

"Kill two birds with one stone, nice." Sadie smirked as she helped me up.

We ran and hid in a nearby alley, clasping our sweaty palms over our mouths to prevent any other unwanted noise from escaping. The men's footsteps seemed to have pasts so we stood up and started our journey to the other end of the alley.

Big mistake of course.

The men grabbed both of my hands and threw me against a wall, my vision started to blur and i could barely make out the Sadie fighting off the men. She threw punches and kicks at them but to no avail, they grabbed her roughly and tied her up making sure to gag her as much as possible.

And then like magic, he appeared. A strong muscular boy around my age punched one of the men, the boy took a few steps back and kicked at another. I was captivated by the boy's amazing reflexes and movements, he moved so swiftly, dodging the punches and kicks.

The sound of Sadie's muffled cries snapped me out of my action movie, i crawled over to where she was and started untying the rope. Just when the rope was about to be undone, Sadie used her body and slammed into my side, i rolled over to her left due to the impact.

I opened my mouth to shout at her but a bone crushing punch in the face cut me midsentence, my limp body hit the wall and crashed to the ground. I groaned in pain as the left side of my face throbbed painfully, my entire left eye was swollen and my vision turned foggy.

Lifting my hand i touched swollen parts and winced as a bolt of pain ran through my skull, i could definitely smell the blood. I ignored the pain for now and saw that Sadie's was wounded too, the right part of her head had split open a little allowing crimson liquid to flow out.

I was too dizzy to stand so i looked towards the boy who had come to our rescue, my eyes enlarged to the size of saucepans.

"W-wait, d-don't!!'

The sound of the gun shot reverberated through the alley and the next sound i heard was a body falling to the ground.

One of the men, i presume is the leader, called out to the rest of them and in a flash they had disappeared with Sadie.

Mustering all my strength i crawled over to the boy's sides. The wound wasn't too deep but it was very close to the heart, dangerously close.

I tore part of my shirt and cleaned the blood on my face. My hand shook with fear after witnessing the kidnapping of my best friend, i slowly dialed 911 and just about to press the call button when his hand flicked my phone to the other side of the alley.

"Wh-what was that for??" I was fuming with rage and confusion.

"Please... don't call the ambulance. Your... a doctor right... Fix me... No hospital..." The boy muttered weakly.

"Are you crazy?? I'm a doctor in TRAINING, i can't perform surgery on my own!!"


"Please..." He winced and coughed out blood.

There's no time to think, if he's gonna be so stubborn then there's no choice.

"Fine. But if you die, it's not my fault!"

He smiled weakly in return before his eye lids fluttered shut.

As i carried this mysterious boy towards my house i was left to wonder the reason for his sudden appearance and why he refused to be treated by a proper surgeon, i looked at the ground as it started to pour and i couldn't help but smile.

It was also raining when we went to dye our hair.




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