Him - (2)

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It had gotten worse and i was worried.

The flesh around the wound turned red with infection, scarlet liquid oozed out from it and the boy was now rolling in pain as his hands desperately searched the cool metal table for something to grab onto.

I had brought him home as quick as i could and lay him onto a spare table i found in the storage room.

I don't suffer from Hemophobia and was very curious about bullet surgeries when i was young, i use to watch countless videos on different types of surgeries and worked very hard to become the trainee surgeon i am now.

I was pretty confident, except for the fact that i had never actually performed a surgery...?

Working fast, i washed my hands clean, pulled on spare white gloves and prepared all the instruments needed for the operation.

After about 30 minutes of surgery, i had removed the infected flesh and the bullet from his skin, the wound had been stitched back and wrapped up too.

I removed my mask and took a deep breath in, finally i can relax and-

"Oi where do you think you're going!"

The boy had jumped down from the table and was making his way towards the door.

He scoffed and replied:" Away from this place duh."


I was angry, livid, annoyed, pissed, any words that are related to annoyed and angry!

"I just healed your wound and you're just gonna walk out like that?!"

He stopped and looked at me with the corner of his eye.

"Got a problem with that?"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yes! First of all, i've never done a proper surgery without supervision before, so you should stay here till i can confirm you're all healed. Second of all, i have many questions for you. And last but not least..."

I looked down at my feet as tears started forming in my eyes, i paused for a while to breathe.

"... help me find Sadie, please..."


When i looked back up, the boy was nowhere to be found.

Everyone leaves me in the end...

Then i heard the tap in the kitchen turn on, my head immediately snapped towards the sound.

"Fine i'll stay and yes i'll help you find your friend"

He just stood there next to the sink with a cup filled with water in his hands, he had a smirk plastered on his tanned face.

"The name's Barin and your's?"

... but maybe destiny finally gave me a chance



The warm sunlight cut through the open blinds at my windows and shone my face lighting it up.

It's annoying you know!

Books describe the sunlight shining on your face in the morning as so peaceful and amazing, but no, it's really not to be honest.


I rolled out of bed and shut the blinds. I plopped onto the soft mattress and stared the swirling blades of the ceiling fan.

I just couldn't fall asleep again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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