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Gabe's pov

Usually going to someone's place is a headache, but this time I was actually excited and happy!
His dorm wasn't that far anyways! I rushed to the shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair, put in my clothes SALSA STYLE! I thought giddily.
I giggled at my thoughts and ran out the door wait, Deodorant!
I paused, ran all the way back, out on my Deodorant and was (again) out the door! I wonder what's in store tonight?

Jack's pov

I was a cooking machine! I had the steak, roast, mashed potatoes AND the dessert up and running! Along with the table set up, candles lit and the dorm made to perfection!
The only thing left to tidy is myself! I thought as I made my way to the shower, got ready and sat on the couch silently waiting.
Suddenly a knock came at the door. I jumped and was making my way to the door as thoughts intruded my mind what if he doesn't like the food? What if I'm a clumsy idiot and make him upset? WHAT IF HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND! I turned the knob to see a man in a black hoodie that covered his face, jeez I didn't think his expectations of clothing were this low.
"Oh Gabe! Come in!"

Gabe's pov
I'm Late! I'M LATE!
I ran to his dorm and checked my hair and outfit for the fifth time that night. "Ok Gabe. Were just friends having a good time." I knocked on the door and waited outside.
A minute passed, two minutes, three minutes, four,five I knocked again. What's taking him so long? I turned the knob to find it unlocked...weird..why would he leave it unlocked? Something is wrong here. I entered with caution and unease as I looked around.All the lights were off and it was silent, "Hello? Morrison? Anyone?"
I checked everywhere and No Morrison was to be found.
Where is this guy? Starting to freak me out. My thoughts didn't help my fears of whatever has happened.
My foot landed in a puddle, I looked down to see a trail of thick water scattered across the room. What the...?
I looked onwards to see two dark figures, both of them silent and limp.
I blindly searched for a light switch, which took a few minutes
to find, and once I did I realised instantly that my foot wasn't in water...but in blood that lead up to the two figures unmoving.
I prayed that it wasn't who I thought it was. My prayers betrayed me. I rushed towards him and held him in my arms yelling his name, screaming it over and over ignoring the endless tears streaming down my face.  If only I was here in time...If only it was my dorm...If only.. I'm so sorry Morrison...This is my fault.. I turned to see a knife in the other man's hand, a dark hooded man who seemed to be just as lifeless as I felt.. I kissed Morrisons head and cried in grief and anger as the police department came...
Asking me questions that I didn't have the time to answer, or much less care about.

I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..I'm sorry..I'm sorry..I'm sor-
A man grabbed my shoulder and said "you're coming with us" I grabbed his hand and flipped him in the floor, knocking the breath out of him. Grabbing his gun and the other officers I whirled around and shot the two of them "leave me alone"
"Sir, I'm going to have to arrest you" my eyes turned black with pure hate, " I...SAID...LEAVE ME ALONE!" Screams erupted everywhere as my guns whirled around me " DIE! DIE DIE! DIE!" Once the damage was done I grabbed a piece of paper on the ground with the name suspect at the back, I found the guy who murdered my Jackie.."the reaper huh?"
I hesitated "That doesn't sound too bad."
I trudged out of the dorm a new man, a new Gabriel. No, not Gabriel. The reaper.

The end

Author's note
*Hides behind computer
Don't kill me.

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