Old Friends and New Enemies

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We arrived on the outskirts of Sioux Falls, South Dakota after a long drive. We had to make several stops along the way for food, bathroom, and for the Winchesters to gas up the Impala. I had to fill up my car as well but not as much as them. Let me just say, they had an awesome car but the mileage sucked.

A few minutes after arriving in town, we drove up to an old junk yard. The sign above the entrance read ‘Singer’s Auto Salvage.’ We followed the guys into the lot and parked next to what appeared to be a house. It  looked like someone tried to burn the place down. I glanced at Spencer before we both got out of the car.

“You said this place was abandoned?” I asked, motioning to the blackened building surrounded by ash. Sam nodded. A dark, sad look passed over both of their faces. They must have been close to the person that lived here. And something tells me he didn’t die in that fire.

“What happened here?” Spencer asked nervously.

“Leviathan.” Dean simply said. Leviathan? Oh, I had heard of them while in the pit. I think it was Crowley that rambled on and on about them. Apparently, he had been betrayed by Dean’s little angel friend Castiel. The angel released the Leviathan, which had been locked up in Purgatory, into the world and all they did was cause chaos.

“Oh, I remember that!” Spencer exclaimed. “Those things were pretty damn scary. They just wouldn’t die.” Sam and Dean chuckled. Sounds to me like they had found a way. The light-heartedness didn’t last very long though. The sadness and despair crept its way back in.

“Well, this place belonged to a close family friend of ours, Bobby. The Leviathans burned down his house and then their leader killed him.” Dean explained, forming a gun out of his hand and pointing it at his head to show that Bobby had been shot in the head.

Wow… That really sucked. But, hey, we all know this life comes with risks. Suddenly, I remembered the name that was on the sign when we got here. “Bobby Singer…” I muttered. “Why does that name sound so familiar?”

“Well he was pretty much the center of the hunter universe. He was the guy to go to for information, our backup when we went undercover…” Sam explained, waiting to see if any of that rung a bell. I did remember that but still felt like I knew him from somewhere else.

“He also spent some time in the pit so you two might have been bunk buddies.” Dean added. Yup, that was it. I had seen him in Hell and heard his name. I didn’t understand why he was down there though. He seemed like the ‘wise, old drunk’ kind of guy, not the kind to sell his soul. Then one day, out of the blue, he was just gone. Some souls said he was rescued and brought to Heaven, which I found hard to believe.

“Well, let’s get out of here, shall we?” I offered, leaving the conversation at that. I walked over to the right side of the Impala and got in the back seat. The other three followed suit and soon, we were heading out of South Dakota. I wasn’t quite sure where though.


About half an hour later, I decided to break the long, awkward silence. We had been just randomly driving around, and I’m sure Spencer was trying to find a case so I figured we needed something to talk about. “So, you guys been on any cases lately?”

Dean looked annoyed but answered anyway. “Yeah, sort of.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. He sighed. “It means we’ve had our hands full looking for someone.”


“A very bitchy demon.” That was all he said so I kept on with the questions. “And this demon is?” He ignored me so I continued. “Come on, Dean. I know there’s more to it than that. You wouldn’t devote all your time to a demon hunt if it wasn’t big.”

The Devil You Know (A Supernatural fanfiction) [discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora