Chapter 2 Welcome to the group

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Cato's POV

After a few classes it's time for lunch. I walk down to the lunchroom and sit down with Katniss, Peeta, Marvel, and Johanna. I look around and see Clove and Alex looking for a place to sit. "Clove! Alex! over here"Katniss and I say at the same time. I watch them walk over to where we are all sitting. "Hi I'm Katniss this is Peeta, that's marvel, and that's Johanna." Katniss says "Thanks for being nice to us" Alex says. "No problem we would do anything for our friends" I say with a wink. "you want us to be your friends?" Clove says "Of course" Peeta says. So from a group of 5 we went to a group of 7.

Cloves POV

I can't believe it! Alex and I just got 5 friends on the first day! "Want to go to dinner later tonight?" Katniss asks. "Umm yea you want to go Alex?" "sure" he says. "Great how about girls meet up at my place at 4:30 and boys go to Cato's" Johanna says "sounds great we will all meet at the diner at 6:00" Cato says. "ok!" we all say together. So at 4:15 Alex and I leave. Alex drops me off at Johanna's and he goes over to Cato's.

I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. "Hey what's up glad that you could come!" Johanna says "I couldn't miss it" I reply. We go upstairs and get ready Katniss and Johanna. Put a blindfold on me because they don't want me to see my outfit. "Know we are going to take off the blindfold put keep your eyes closed so we can do your makeup" Johanna says. when I finally get to open my eyes I see Katniss in a black skirt with a pink crop top and Johanna in jeans and a blue shirt with a jean jacket. I turn to look and the mirror and see that I'm in a lace peach colored dress that goes to my knees with black shoes with a little heal to them.

"Why are we so dressed up just to go to a diner?" I ask

"Because we are going to a party after so we need to look nice!" Katniss says

"Wait a party?!?!" Johanna squeals

"Haha yes of course! Anyways we need to get going the guys are probably there already." Katniss replies

Catos POV

We get to the diner and pick a booth in the back corner. A few minutes later the girls show up.


Clove says

"Hey you look nice"

I tell her she blushes and fixes her hair

We all order clove gets a salad I get a pizza with Peeta and Alex.

"Mind if I ask but are you vegetarian?"

I say

"Haha yes and don't worry about it. I get asked a lot"

She says. We leave the diner and head to the party. When we get there I pull clove aside.

"So you want to dance or something?"

I ask

"Umm sure"

She says. I take her hand and take her inside. We get to the main room and start to dance.

"I love this song!"

Clove squeals. She starts humming along to the song. The next song is a slow song.

"We don't have to dance if you don't want to"

I say

"No I want to"

She pulls me closer and leans her head on my chest. When the songs over she says

"I'll be right back"

I go find Peeta and talk to him.

"Do you think I should ask out Clove?"

"We'll that's up to you if you like her then go for it. The worst that could happen is she says no."

Peeta says.

"I think I'm gonna ask her"

I reply.

"See ya later dude"

he says and then walks off.

I find Clove sitting out side talking to Alex.

"Hey Clove can we talk for a minute?"

I ask

"Sure! I'll be back later Alex"

She says

"So what's up?"

She asks

"Ummm so I was wondering"


She questions

"I know we just met but I really like you and..."

She cuts me off by kissing me on the cheek and whispering in my ear one word


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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