Spin the bottle

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"Come onn!" My best friend dragged me through the door. Considering my best friend was a guy, six foot, and weighed at least fourty pounds more than me, it wasnt a tough task.

"But Jake, I don't like parties, you know that!" I whinned.

"Oh stop being a baby." He ruffled my hair. "Plus, I thought you were going to try and be 'cool' senior year."

I grimaced. "Yeah I know."

"So then what are you waiting for? The biggest party of the year is five miles down the street!"

"Are you sure I look okay? I mean, you're popular, i'm not, do I look good?" Okay, yes, even though Jake and I were best friends, doesnt mean we were in the same clique. We grew up together, so we never seperated as best friends, but when highschool came along, Jake and his athleticness went and became a huge star on both the football and soccer teams.

I on the other hand, stayed my semi-anitsocial self and became labled more as a 'Nerd' than anything else. Which is fine by me. I am outragesouly smart and quite geeky. All of the 'Popular kids' that Jake now hangs around sometimes know we're close, and don't question it, much to my suprise. They aren't nice to me, but aren't rude or snobby either. I'm pretty sure Jake said he would beat anyones ass who tried to lay a finger on me.

"Mel, you look beautiful." he told me with that one smile that I knew was his most genuine.

I looked down and took in my apperal. Jake had gone shopping with me earlier that day, making sure I looked hot for my first party. He had found a beautiful white dress with a lime green belt-the color brought out my green eyes- at an expensive boutique in the mall. The dress itself costing most of the two hundred dollars I had saved up for this. I remembered a pair of black wedge heels that I had bought for a wedding earlier that year, so I-lucikly- didn't have to spend money on shoes. With the cash I did have left, however, I bought some lime green bangles for my wrists and white earrings to complete my outfit. My mom had come into my room half an hour earlier to straighten my dark waivy hair so that it framed my face perfectly.

It was incredibly different than my normal jeans and band t-shirts.

I smiled shyly and looked back up at Jake. He was stunning too, as always. His blue eyes shinning brightly, reflecting the porch light from my house. He had on a simple teal t-shirt and black jeans that hugged his body and showed every muscle he owned, from his bisceps to his thighs.

"You dont look to bad yourself" I winked.

He chuckled. "Dont get all flirty with me now, we aren't even drunk yet."

"You already know i'm madly in love with you" I grinned innocently while walking past him on the sidewalk.

Even with my heels, he was still about five inches taller than me, so he caught up quickly.

"And you know i'm madly in love with you as well" he whispered quietly in my ear.

I smacked his arm lightly, faking a look of shock and disgust. "I should call the police. I am underage you know"

He laughed. "In three months you'll be eighteen, you know"

"I know, but until then, i'm still seventeen and your eighteen. You're a legal adult" I stuck my tounge out at him.

"Dont stick your tounge out at me! I wont take you to see the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2!"

I stopped and gasped "You wouldn't!"

He smirked. "I would"

"Fine..." I huffed.

"Thats my Mel." He smiled excitedly.

I mumbled a small train of profanitys to him, only loud enough for me to hear.

The street around Allisons was crowded already with cars. People were spilling in. The guys dressed casually in jeans and t-shirts. The girls however, were all dressed in the skimpiest clothing they owned. One girl literally had on one of those tubetank bra things as a shirt and a pair of denim shorts that showed half of her ass.

I wiped my hands on my dress, wipping away the sweat that had suddenly appeared.

"Don't worry" Jake said next to me, taking my hand in his. I instantly felt better. "I'll stay with you the whole time."

"The whole time?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

"I promise" he squeazed my hand sincerly and dragged me into the party.


I'm not done yet... I'm just tired and dont feel bothered to write the rest right now....

leave me some suggestions? :)

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