Chapter 7 - Strike

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"Looks like there's only one path to choose to." Garry said.

It was a hallway. A very long hallway. It seemed suspicious. We made it to the door after a very long long walk and saw writings on the wall right before the door.

"What is the large floor painting in Guertena's exhibition?"

"I know that painting! It's the one with the fish! Ib, do you know that? It's something, of the deep. Just give me one word Ib!" Garry said. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember that word since I didn't know the meaning and I didn't know that that title would be useful in a situation like this. "Oh, never mind. I think it's Abyss." Garry guessed. We went to the door and Garry wrote the title on some plaque placed on the door,  Garry was right! We heard the door unlocked. The door's really cool, I want that in my room someday.

Inside the room was full of bookshelves and a painting in the middle. "Separation. What a dull name to name the painting." Garry said. The painting was red and was striked with black lines. It was creepy. The lights flickered for a bit, then it turned off! "Ib, are you here!?" Garry shouted. "Yes!" I shouted back, I'm afraid he might disappear so I tried to find him. I clumsily tripped somewhere near a bookshelf, because of that, the books fell on me. The light went back on suddenly. The room was filled with writings such as "HELP", "STOP", "NO", "DON'T", "DON'T KILL ME". "EEEEEEK!" Garry shouted. "I don't remember those written in this room before. Anyways, I'm glad you're safe Ib." Garry smiled. There was this book on my face. I couldn't help but read it. "She something something, inside her lovely something. Garry what do you suppose this means?--" Immediately he removed the book from my hands. "Er, you can only read this when you get older." He said, while reading the page, he made a disgusted look. I couldn't help but giggle. The painting suddenly came off, I don't know if it'll come to life, but I didn't see any lady inside that portrait. "Look! A door!" Garry pointed. The door was a bit high so Garry carried me to be able to reach it. It was dark though. "I'll use my lighter then." He grabbed the lighter from his pocket and flicked it. There were words on the wall. "FOLLOW ME", "WE'LL BE SAFE", "FRIENDS". It looked like it was written in crayon. Just by looking at it, it gave me goosebumps. "Just don't mind that, Ib." Garry placed his arm around me. I'm starting to feel safe again.

The ground subsided in water, the water was pretty deep and cold. "Hang on, Ib. I'll carry you." Garry carried me all throughout. The cold water was still tickling me in my knee, but soon after that we come across this door.

A girl. Sitting on a big champagne glass made to look like a chair. Garry's eyes widen with joy. "Are you from the gallery too?" He asked. She fell on the floor with shock. She had blonde hair, wore a pretty green dress. Did I not mention to you that green is also my favorite color? 

"...." That was all she could say.

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