enjoy studying

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how to enjoy studying; or at least make it more enjoyable
- a thread

• it's okay to not feel motivated ( i don't feel motivated all the time) but i found some things that really help me to make the best out of it
• the atmosphere: make yourself cosy, light some candles and if you feel stressed essential oils e.g. lavender work really well!!
• don't forget about the drinks: it doesn't matter if that means tea,water or juice to you, just make sure you stay hydrated + you can use a hot drink like tea as a 'timer' so when you finish your cup of tea you take a break
• tidy your study space: that's the most important thing when it comes to studying; you won't feel motivated if your desk is a mess and you can't really concentrate either
• make a study playlist or find some in youtube (i can recommend lofi and soft kindie/ krnb playlists)
• study snacks honestly save your life (i'll make a separate thread about it): when i forget about the study snacks it's a terrible study session bc your gurl is always hungry
• study with me videos: those videos are literally my lifesavers; you honestly don't get distracted and it helps you so much to get motivated and you actually want to get something done ( sarang's videos are my go-to swm videos)

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