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period self care tips
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- take it easy. you don't have to be productive, it's completely fine to just stay in bed with a heating pad. people with periods can relate.
- try to get as much sleep as possible
- avoid fried foods (and if your cramps are really bad: avoid oils and animal products for the first days of your period as much as possible)
- drink some herbal tea
- get yourself a heating pad (!) without this product i wouldnt be able to survive that time of the month.
- yoga and excerice (low intensity) can help ease cramps, but it's of course not always possible.
- use a period tracker app (i use clue)
- foods/ drink that are good for you during your period:
   - lots of water
   - oranges
   - bananas
   - chamomile tea
   - watermelon
   - avocados
   - dark chocolate
- stay hydrated
- naps and painkillers help when the cramps are unbearable

last but not least:be gentle with yourself. half of the population goes through the same thing every month so don't feel bad for lying in bed all day. it's also important to remember that cramps look different for everyone. if you experience really painful cramps that's completely valid! don't let anyone tell you that you're overreacting and that cramps 'aren't that bad'. there are people who literally faint or vomit because of the pain, so it has to be taken seriously.
if you're experiencing really bad cramps i'd always suggest talking to your gynecologist about this issue. and if you don't experience pain at all - lucky you!

;what helps you to get through this time of the month? let's help each other

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