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It was a relatively normal day at Dalton Academy, until Jeff was called down to the office.

The first thing he noticed when he walked into the room is that he was not alone. There was another boy standing across from the Headmaster's desk, who looked up when Jeff walked in. "Um, you called for me, sir?"

"Ah, Mr. Sterling. This is your new roommate, Kurt Hummel. I'd appreciate it if you could show him around."

Kurt smiled brightly at Jeff, who smiled back. "Of course."

They walked out of the office, Kurt observing just about everything. Jeff pointed out classrooms along the way, but Kurt seemed distracted. His expression was constantly shifting, as if he was having an internal debate.

"And this is the common room thing, it's like a lounge that connects to all the dorms." Jeff explained, opening the door.

The students already in there looked up at the walked in, shocked as a exclamation of "Blaine!" rang out and a boy they had never seen before ran over and hugged Blaine.

Blaine hugged back, stunned. "Kurt? What are you doing here?"

Kurt pulled back, kissing him briefly. "Well, I'm the new transfer student." He said, grinning.

Blaine laughed in surprise. "Seriously? You transferred?"

"Yep! My dad found out about the jocks at my school and had me transfer, so I suggested Dalton."

Blaine frowned. "You told me they stopped."

"I didn't want to worry you. It wasn't that big a deal anyway, my dad's just really overprotective." At Blaine's doubtful look, Kurt continued. "No, seriously. Do I have to quote the time he went into the principal's office because I couldn't sing Defying Gravity in glee and told them they couldn't discriminate against me because of my sex, religion, political affiliation, or the fact that I'm queer as a three dollar bill?"

Blaine laughed despite his concern. "He said that?"

"He's not wrong." Kurt chuckled.

Thad cleared his throat loudly. "Um, may I just- YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!" He yelled at Blaine.

Blaine blushed. "Um, guys, this is Kurt, my boyfriend. For the record, you never asked."

"I'm pretty sure I have!" Thad exclaimed in exasperation.

"Nope, you asked everyone but me." Blaine said.

Kurt fake-pouted. "You don't talk about me all the time, Blaine?" He chuckled. "Actually, I'm kinda glad. There are plenty of people who talk about me a lot."

"Who?" Blaine asked curiously.

Kurt remembered what his father had told him- don't mention the invisible people. "There's a lot of gossip, being the only out gay kid in a public school." He said dryly. Couldn't he mention them just to Blaine, though? Maybe Blaine could see them. Maybe he could help him find them.

Blaine chuckled, nodding. "True. So, you should probably unpack, right?"

Before Kurt could answer, a bell rang through the school. Blaine chuckled. "That's the dinner bell, never mind."

Kurt walked down to dinner with them, his and Blaine's intertwined hands swinging slightly as they walked. They got a lot of looks- Blaine was rather popular at Dalton, being the lead Warbler and all.

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