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The breath is knocked out of me as I crash to the ground, clutching my stomach. Flames protrude from my sweater and I smack it until it goes out. Then, the searing pain takes over.

There's not one part of my body that's free of it. Both people from District 11 crash to the ground, dead. I know because Shawn mutters it into my ear as I'm lifted up and carried towards the stream.

When I open my eyes, Shawn sighs in relief.

"Oh, Bella." he whispers.

I look down and see that my shirt was slightly pulled up, only just past my bellybutton, and that Ash was helping Amy clean out the wound.

Cameron was bandaging a burn on my leg, and Jason was keeping watch.

I tried to sit up, but stopped when Cameron shot a nasty look my way.

"Ow." I muttered as he pushed down on the burnt flesh.

"Oh, Bella, you're awake!" Amy exclaimed, and flung herself onto me in a hug. "I was so worried that you were dying! I would have NEVER forgiven myself! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING ME!"

When I saw the tear marks staining her cheeks, I hugged her back as tightly as I could. When she saw that I wasn't fully using my arm, she yanked up the sleeve and winced as she saw my flesh.

I feel that my face is bruised and dirty, my three wounds burn, and I may have bruised a rib, but that's it. I sigh in relief, having feared the worst.

"Okay, tell me where all the pain is." Amy says firmly.

"Bruises on my face, the burns you guys found, and I think I may have bruised a rib when I hit the ground." I answer, but she can tell that there's more. "Also, I think I may have broken my ankle or my knee or just some part of my leg."

She glances down and sure enough, my leg is bent at an odd angle.

"Ash, go get a branch for Bella to use as a walking stick." Amy instructed. "Cameron, go easy on her leg, JEEZ! That's BROKEN!"

They both do as instructed and Shawn stares down at my wounded body.

"It's okay." he whispers. "You're going to be okay. You HAVE to be okay."

He squeezes my hand as I drift off again, this time my head settled in his lap.

Layla and I were walking home from the Hob when I heard a loud crash.

"The mines!" I exclaim as I see it collapse. "DAD!"

Riley is standing at the mine and grabs my hand when I approach. Joshua runs up, searching the wreckage for a sign of life when I hear a low groaning. The mine elevator rises out of the ashes.

My dad scrambled out, along with Joshua's, and Riley's uncle.

"There's more people down there!" my dad yells.

Our mom appears and grabs Layla's hand.

By the end of the day, evacuations were done. The wounded were taken to the hospital, along with my dad.

When he got home, he had one broken leg, and the other one had been blown off at the knee. His arms were both also broken, along with a broken rib. He had been in a wheelchair permanently after that.

"WHAT?" I sputtered as I sat up.

Shawn grabbed my hand and Amy rushed over.


"Whoa, quiet down, it's okay." Shawn whispers and I slowly relax as Ash walks over with Jason and Cameron. "They're all safe."

Ash sits down ad rubs my other hand.

"HOW LONG WAS I ASLEEP? WHO'S DEAD?" I ask, still trying to recover from confusion.

"You've been asleep a couple of hours." Shawn said calmly. "Nobody else is dead yet. 11 were the last ones."

The seal of Panem appears and I start shivering.

Both tributes from 11 appear, but as Shawn said, that's all.

Suddenly, I feel pain flash through my body and yank off may sweater. My arm has just started bleeding. Already, a puddle of blood has appeared under it.

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