Chapter 10 : Loose Lips (Dance to the Music)

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Less than half hour later, the whole Youth Club was talking about the bust up down in Limassol. The running battle along the by-pass and the boot boys from BG were on everybody's lips. Everywhere small groups had gathered, whispering, most grouped around one of the 'participants', trying to glean the minute details of what had happened.

Simon, Will and Ryan remained separate, chatting casually to a group of girls over to one side of the dance floor. Diane, Simon's girlfriend, had just arrived and joined Simon, pulling him deliberately into a long deep snog. Diane was a year younger than Simon and fancied by all the guys at school. She wore her blonde hair short on top and only slightly longer and wispy at the back and sides. Her brown suede tasselled mini-skirt and almost transparent blouse drew furtive glances from all the lads. No-one would approach that little group directly or risk asking about the nights events unless they were close mates.

Rick had a mini-throng around him by the soft drinks table, including Tess who he'd fancied for ages and he was determined to ask her out. Clearly seeking to impress her, Rick was reliving the incident, milking it for all it was worth, his role no doubt growing wings in the retelling. Nige was now with off some of his mates from Episkopi, or Epi as it was known by all, the location of his remaining cans of Tennants long forgotten. Ned stood alone in a dark corner sipping from a coke bottle, surveying the scene.

Alex had been out the back of the YC with Dan, playing some friendly 4-a-side on the small floodlit football court with a group of school mates from Episkopi and Akrotiri. Dan would never let a few bumps and bruises get in the way of a game of football. As they walked back inside they passed a group they knew vaguely from school. Snippets of the conversation drifted their way; 'apparently a Greek guy in a car tried to run them down', 'I heard that Simon and Will took four of them on', 'that weird Ned was there, I bet he started it all', 'did they really smash up Scotti's', 'what about Simon's kung fu move, taking out a guy on a bike'.

Alex was stopped in his tracks as one of them spotted him. "Hey Alex, is it true that you stood over Dan when he got knocked down and fought two of them off until the others got there ...... '.

Dan and Alex stopped and looked disbelievingly at each other before Dan grabbed him in a huge bear hug. "Alex my hero......", as they play wrestled Alex blushed, before responding. "Look I don't know who told you that bollocks, it was nothing like that.......... I really didn't ......"

Alex dried up as Kate Black came rushing over, she had just arrived and heard the same or a similar ridiculous variant of the story. She seemed genuinely concerned for him and held his arm, Alex allowing himself to be drawn closer still.

"Alex are you alright? I can't believe you did that, it must have been really scary, but you saved Dan from getting beat up".

For a brief moment Alex just looked at Kate, enjoying the feel of her hand on his arm. He was thinking she looked gorgeous in her short blue summer dress, her arms and legs glowing with the beginnings of spring tan.

Distracted by her proximity, he stumbled into a reply. "Hi Kate, no, no I'm fine honestly, it really wasn't quite like ........" but before he could get any further Dan jumped in, nodding his head, with his arm wrapped around Alex's shoulder. "What, don't be modest mate. You're right Kate, without Alex I don't know what would have happened to me".

Alex found his tongue. "I'm not so sure about that Kate, I.......", but got no further as Kate took his hand gently and pulled him towards the dance floor. Billy Paul had just started telling the story of his steamy but illicit affair with Mrs Jones, the perfect song for a slow dance. Alex dropped any further attempt to explain how his night had really started and went with the flow. Putting his arms around Kate's waist he pulled her close as they started to smooch to the music. This was something he privately thought he was pretty decent at and smiled ruefully to himself, wondering if he might actually have a chance to get his own 'thing going on' with Kate. She moved closer, snuggling into him as they shuffled slowly in a circular clockwise motion to the music.

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