Chapter 3 Getting Ready For The Ball

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That's the tenth alarm clock I broke this month... and it's only the tenth. Yup, the tenth of July, beautiful sky's, perfect weather, amazing life!

Just kidding...

Today is another crappy day in January, with crappy weather, a blizzard, and cloudy sky's.

My life is awesome! (Note the sarcasm!)

Anywho, I get up and take a shower, with my cherry blossom body wash, and vinilla shampoo and conditioner.

I search through my closet and find my black Sleeping With Sirens tee shirt, and red skinny jeans.

When I'm done changing I brush my hair, and put mascara and eyeliner on.

I put on my black and red converse, sling my backpack over my shoulder, and head down to breakfast.

When I get down to the breakfast hall I find it empty.

This IS NOT normal. I'm about to freak out...

Oh who am I kidding, I AM freaking out!

I quickly walk to the meeting room. No one's there.

I go outside. I can't see nor can I sence a battle, so I'm good there.

Walking into the living room I notice the light is off, so I do the natural thing, turn it on.

"Happy Birthday!" Suddenly everyone jumps out of their hiding places, while I try not to jump out of my skin.

"What's going on in here?!" I ask my voice stronger then what I thought it would have been.

"It's your birthday sweetie." My mom chirps, coming up to me and hugging me.

"Wait that means..." I trail off.

"Yes, it means your ball is tonight, and your not going to school." My mom says sternly.

"But mom...!" I groan in protest.

"No buts, its your birthday. We need a ball!"

"Mom," I begin. "I'm not Cinderella!"

"I agree your not, your Sebrina Andrew's. Now let's go!" She ushers me up the stairs.

*---* *---* *---*

After hours and hours of pointless arguing, my mom and I came to a decision on a dress.

The ball starts in 15 minutes and my mom is adding the finishing touches to my look. Once she's finished, I can look.

I'm wearing a dark blue ball gown with silver swirls to the side. My hair is in a fish tail braid going over my shoulder. I convinced my mom to let me wear flats that are of the same color of the dress.

I am NOT, and I repeat NOT, wearing heels!

Tonight my eyes are a blue as well which I was hoping for so it would match... I'm a little OCD... Oh well...

My mom did my makeup and I don't even know even half the stuff she used, so, yeah...

Well, I guess it's time for the party. I heard there's going to be chocolate covered strawberries, and cookies... I sorta can't wait!!!

Off I go!

-***- -***- -***-

Hello my strawberries!

How's it goin'?

Anywho Question Time!!!

What's your favorite food?

P.S. I have three, strawberries, sushi, and CHOCOLATE!

Bye, Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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