The Night's Love

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When we arrived at Hank's house he immediately went inside.Kara and I got out of the car and she handed me my jacket.

Kara:Thanks for saving me back there,here's you're jacket.

Connor:You're welcome.

She grabbed her clothes and started walking towards the house.I noticed that her legs were shaking,her injury wasn't letting her walk properly.

Connor:Let me help you.

I took one of her arms and wrapped it around my neck and lifted her legs.I carried her inside bridal style and she only held on tight so she wouldn't fall.I then lied her down on the couch.

Connor:Lt.,CyberLife sent some supplies in case I get broken.Where are they?

Hank:I left them in the garage.Oh,and Connor,
try to not get distracted.

He smirked and closed his bedroom door.

Connor:I failed to understand what he meant by that.

I said feeling embarrassed.I went to the garage and took a box with blue blood and bio components.I went back into the living room.I
kneeled down next to Kara and put the box down on the table.I examined her injury for a bit and then spoke up.

Connor:The cut went in too deep so this might take longer than last time.

Kara:It's okay,take your time.

I did the same procedure as last time,wiped the blood off and closed the wound with glue.I heard Kara whimper in pain and I looked up each time to make sure she was okay.

(Time skip)

When I finished I put the glue down on the table and Kara slowly sat down.The wound was now completely sealed and her artificial skin looked as if nothing had happened.I then remembered about the blue blood sitting on the table.

Connor:You lost a lot of blue blood,drink this.

She slowly took the bottle and I was able to feel her soft hands.I watched her rose lips touch the rim of the bottle.She began to slowly drink the blue blood,when she finished,she put the bottle down on the table.I then saw her wet clothes sitting on the floor.

Connor:Your clothes are still wet,I'll go put them in the dryer.


I grabbed her clothes,went to the laundry room and put them in the dryer.I then saw a midnight blue nightgown,well it looked more like a lingerie than a nightgown.I took it and went back into the living room.I saw Kara spreading a blanket across the couch.I looked at her still in her Eden Club outfit and my software became unstable.Even though she's an android she had a perfect body,I felt something click inside of me.I began to slowly and quietly walk backwards when I knocked down the lamp,causing a loud noise.Shoot!Kara quickly turned around with a confused look on her face.

Kara:I thought I told you that staring was rude.

She smiled and put her hands on her hips.


I rubbed the back of my head and looked down.

Kara:It's okay.


I handed her the nightgown and her eyes widened.


She took the nightgown and held it up examining it.


Connor:It was the only thing there,but if you want I can go look for something else.

Kara:No,it's fine.

I watched her slip the nightgown on she turned around.I was confused,but then realized she wanted me to close the back of herself gown.

Kara:Can you um...close the back for me?


I pulled the two strings closing the corset like back,and tied them into a knot.She then sat down on the couch and looked at me.



Kara:Do you mind sleeping with me,just for tonight?

Connor:Uh,of course.

I took off my suit and my tie and put them aside.I then lied down next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist,pulling her body closer to me.

Connor:Goodnight Kara.

Kara:Goodnight Connor.

We both shifted to sleep mode and slept under
the moonlight.

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