The Key To Jericho

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A/N:Yes,yes,I know that I'm kind of copying Summers Connara fanfic.I just want to say that I'm not trying to steal her work,she's my idol,I really admire her.Please go support SummerMelodyXOXO ,tell her that I'm her biggest fan.Enjoy!

Connor's POV

We went back to the police station,but were struck when Captain Fowler told us that we were off the case.

Connor:We can't just give up like that,I know we could've solved this case.

Hank:So you're going back to CyberLife?

Connor:I have no choice.I'll be deactivated and analyzed to find out why I failed.

Hank:What if we're on the wrong side,Connor?What if we're fighting against people who just want to be free?

Connor:When the deviants rise up,there will be chaos.We could've stopped it! But now it's too late.

Hank:When you refused to kill that android at Kamski's place,you put yourself in her shoes. You showed empathy,Connor.Empathy is a human emotion.

Connor:I don't know why I did it.

I feel a weird feeling every time I think about her.Am love?

Connor:I know there are things that haunt you, Hank.Maybe you need to find the courage to get past them,get on with your life.Just a plastic cops opinion,but,I had to say to say it.

I've noticed that Hank has become a little overprotective of Kara and especially Alice. They've become close,like a family.He may be cold on the outside,but on the inside he has a warm heart.I then saw him look behind me.

Hank:Well,well,here comes Perkins,that motherfucker.Sure don't waste anytime at the FBI.

Connor:We can't give up.I know the answer is in the evidence we collected.If Perkins takes it, it's all over.

Hank:There's no choice! You heard Fowler, we're off the case.

Connor:You've got to help me,Lt.I need more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected.I know the solution is in there.


Connor:If I don't solve this case,CyberLife will destroy me.Five minutes.It's all I ask.

He sighed but then got up.

Hank:Key to the basement is on my desk...get a move on! I can't distract them forever.

The Lt. started walking towards Perkins,and I grabbed the key from his desk.

Hank:Perkins! You fucking cocksucker!

I saw Hank punch Perkins and officers rushed to pull him away.I didn't waste anytime and headed to the archive room.I put the key on the  scanner and was about to open the door,when I was confronted by Gavin.

Gavin:Hey Connor!

I didn't answer him.

Gavin:I'm talking to you,asshole! Where you going!

I ignored him,opened the door and closed it behind me.I went down stairs and walked up to a glass wall.I put the key on the scanner and went into the archive room.I then walked up to a password screen.

Connor:Hank's password...what would a hard-boiled eccentric police Lt. choose?

I thought about it for a while and got an idea.I typed in "FUCKINGPASSWORD"and it actually worked.


I walked into the room and wasn't quite sure what to do.I looked at the evidence for a moment,and remembered when I interrogated Ortiz's android. "The truth is inside"...what was it trying to tell me? I looked at the offering it made to rA9.I held it in my hand and shook it. I heard something moving inside.I smashed it and found a paper with the location to Jericho. I accomplished my mission.

Gavin:I've been dreaming about this since the first second I saw you...

I didn't even need to turn around,I knew Gavin was behind me armed with a gun.

Connor:Don't do it,Gavin...I know how to stop the deviants.

Gavin:You're off the case...and now,it's gonna be definitive.

He pulled the trigger,but I was able to duck just in time.I managed to grab the gun and pull it away from him.I punched him and he fell to the floor.I fixed my tie,before leaving the room.

Officer:Looks like someone's been snooping around.

Perkins:Shit...get the alarm,now!

I casually walked through the department with the key to Jericho.

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