The hoodie of fire

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Hey guys I know this story has been a little slow, but I promise things will star to speed up in a few chapters! Please favorite and feel free to comment! Love y'all!


I asked with a touch of playfulness, "Alright, who's next?" I honestly was expecting to be lead back to my cell. I wouldn't have blamed them.

Fury just gave me a blank but vaguely annoyed look. He looked over at Catwoman and gave a nod. "Agent Romanoff, you can go ahead." She gave an exasperated huff then slowly walked to where we would start fighting.

Romanoff wasn't necessarily mean, but I didn't like her as much as Bruce, Tony, or Steve. They seemed like nice people. On the way up to the workout floor, the agent had told me that the avengers were an elite group of heroes that worked for a secret government organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. That's why they were so thorough with everything. And, for mortals, they were actually really good fighters.

I looked at Natasha for any signs of weaknesses in her stance. Her midsection was covered well by her left hand and her right hand was positioned next to her face. I made my move. I made a kick into her knee, which I knew she would predict. When she dodged the kick, she accidentally moved her hand away from her stomach for a split second.

Taking the opportunity, I swung with my right hand in a blur, making a dull thud. I heard a soft grunt come from her as she staggered a bit. When she lost her balance, I kicked her legs from under her then wrapped my legs around her neck. I let go after about three seconds because I didn't want to damage her windpipes or anything.

She got up and gave a little cough. Then, "nice fighting skills, Rose." She smiled then walked back to the group. I smiled back, though she couldn't see me. I think I was making some friends. Well, as good of friends that you could make with people working for a secret government organization and would probably want to destroy half blood hill if they ever found out about it. But still. Friends.

After we had fought, I was lead back to my cell by the same agent. I walked into my "room" and sat on my bed. Gods, I was so tired. I just couldn't sleep though. Well, I didn't want to. During the Titan wars, Morpheus, the god of sleep and dreams had cursed me; I would dream about the most painful moments I had felt. But I wouldn't just dream about them, I would feel them and relive all of the scars I had received.

It wasn't nearly as bad as Percy and Annabeth after they came out of Tartarus. They were plagued with nightmares, but they always stuck together through the toughest of situations. They were obviously made for each other, the way they could be silent but still understand what the other was thinking.

I sighed. I wish I had someone like they did. After winning the giant war, there were so few left. Only the Seven and 23 others from Camp had survived. Plus me, and not counting Camp Jupiter. I had a crush on someone, but I'd never had a chance with Leo. He was so funny, sweet, and downright charming. We were close friends, and I loved to watch him create something new, see the mischievous glint in his eyes when he thought of a new prank or an idea for a little robot.

I was almost always of use. As the daughter of Hectate, I could lay powerful wards and incantations on what he created. Some of the stronger ones would leave me weak or tired, but that was okay with me. The more I practiced, the more I could do.


One example of this is when Leo kept on scorching his clothes and his favorite hoodie. Unfortunately, the hoodie didn't make it. But I got him a new hoodie that said Camp Half-blood on it. It was just a normal, orange hoodie that I had...ermm...gained from the clothing area thanks to the Stoll brothers. I brought the hoodie to bunker 9 where I knew Leo would be. I stopped outside and laid it down. I ran my hand up and down above the hoodie and got ready to cast the spell. I concentrated on one thing: making the hoodie one with the fire. Okay, I know, that sounds super cliche, but that is literally how my magic works. I think about one thing, and it happens.

To keep the spell permanent on the jacket, I would have to sort of anchor them to one another. I sat there for about 2 more minutes, and was done. I opened my eyes, though I hadn't realized I closed them. What I saw pleased me very much. The hoodie now, though still orange, now had an amazing look to it. It gleamed like a fire; red, orange, yellow, and some soft blues towards the bottom. It looked like a hoodie stuck in the middle of a campfire just before burning. I wasn't drained TOO much from my work, so I walked in. Binding a spell to an object costs a little more energy than casting a normal spell, especially when the incantation has to do with fire, earth, wind, or water.

Inside, Leo was examining a blueprint for some sort of building. I tapped on his shoulder, since he didn't seem too busy at the moment. He looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back excitedly.

"Rose! I didn't see you come in! what's up?" he looked to see what I was holding behind my back.

"Well, I know you are always scorching your clothes, and you recently lost your favorite hoodie." He scrunched his nose, obviously still annoyed by that. "So, I decided to do something for you!" I brought the hoodie from behind my back and and held it up to him.

"Aw thanks, Ro." I laughed. He called me Ro because when I first met him, we were in the middle of fighting giants. He asked me my name, because that's the best place to start up conversation. 'My name's Ro-' I was cut off when a giant swung at me and narrowly missed my head. When I got up again he said, 'Ro. Never heard that one before. I'm Leo.' After the battle I cleared it up with him, but it always stuck as my personal nickname from him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he said, "woah, it's flickering like a fire! Is it enchanted?" when I nodded with a sly smile, he asked, "what? what is it?"

"Think about it," I offered in good humor.

"Nah, I try not to think too much. It interferes with being nuts." I laughed at his reply and took the hoodie out of his hands and put it on.

"Okay. aim at my stomach. With all ya got."

He looked at me like i was a lunatic.

"Umm, yeah. . . NO. I'm not in the mood for burning a hole through your torso."

"Trust me. You'll see what it is."

He shook his head like he was thinking, then said, "fine." He pointed his hand at me and let a small stream of fire escape from his finger, then he stopped when it seemed to be absorbed by the hoodie. The colors danced on the fabric, seeming to want more of the bright heat. He laughed like a pyromaniac given a box of matches and a huge pile of brush. "Oh my gods! It doesn't burn? This is literally the best thing ever!" he suddenly swooped me up in a big, warm hug. He smelled vaguely of smoke. Not the nasty 'I'm going to choke on this it smells so bad' kind, but the faint soft smell of new fire wood burning on a chilly summer night. He let me go after about two or three seconds and I looked up to see that same mischievous light in his eyes that I loved so much.

I took off his hoodie and gave it to him. "I'm expecting you to get some good use out if that!" I exclaimed after saying bye to him.

"Don't worry, Ro, I will!" I could practically hear the smile on his face. I walked out of bunker 9 feeling the happiest I had ever felt.

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