The quest

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Mwahaha total cliffhanger! What's gonna happen to rose? What will she tell them? What's happening at camp? Comment!



We just got the memo. Rose has been missing for four days now. I was so worried about my Ro. I had spoken to Chiron about sending out a rescue team to go get her, and he accepted. I went over to Rachel (the oracle) and asked her what we should do.

When I walked over to the little cave she stayed in, I explained to her the predicament. Her eyes then fogged over, and she spoke in a totally creepy voice that sounded like a mix between a dry throat and an old smoker lady.

"Going to the city so nice it was named twice, the number shall be four;

And staining the streets, crimson blood will pour.

One will be lost, the Fates yet to choose;

And the lost sheep may join the wolves.

If the herd is not swift, that sheep they shall lose."

On my way up back to the Big house, I was deep in thought, which was not too unusual for me, as of late. Alright, the first line was making no sense. And the blood pouring thing totally creeped me out. An one shall be lost. Who was going to be lost? Which of the four would die? who ARE the four? Obviously me, so I had one of the four down.

I made my way up to the ping pong table and leaned against the wall in exasperation. Chiron, the rest of the seven, and other cabin leaders were in there. It was quite crowded, and smelled vaguely of B.O. I recited the prophecy to Chiron, and his brow furrowed. "The first decision, is who are the four?" Immediately a murmur spread across the room. No one wanted to risk being lost or dying.

"SHUT UP!" I was surprised by the volume of my voice, but continued anyways. "I am going. I need your help. Please." this troubled some people, since they weren't used to me being serious or worried.

Annabeth spoke up. "I want to go. Rose was always nice to me and we were good friends. She understand what I've been through, and would do the same for me." I knew better than to argue, so I kept looking around the room at the others.

"I suppose I should go, too." I looked over at Percy and smiled when I saw the mischievous look in his eyes. The same old, happy Percy.

I looked around the room, but I paused when I heard a quiet but firm voice reach out from the shadows. "I wanna go."

He scared me so much I fell and banged my head on the table. "Nico! Stop sneaking up like that!" Everyone just bust out laughing, but it didn't make me feel bad. It felt good for the mood to be brightened a little, even if it was because of my pain.

"Sorry," he said, though obviously not. "And I'm sorry for snooping, but Rose is a friend, and friends watch out for each other. I never judged her, and she never, ever judged me. I'm going."

"Well," started Chiron, "looks like we have our four. But where is it you have to go?"

"Oh that's easy. 'The city so nice it was named twice?' New York, New York." Annabeth said this proudly, and I was immediately glad to have her with us.

"That's my wise girl," Percy said with a delighted ad excited smile spreading across his face.

"It's official! The quest shall include Annabeth, Percy, and Nico, lead by Leo!" As Chiron said this, blushed. I had never lead a quest. But I will get this right.

We spent the rest of the day gathering supplies for the trip; 50 drachmas, 500 dollars, ambrosia, nectar, and extra clothes and food. Each of us carried a duffel bag of stuff, and I had my handy dandy little tool belt strapped around me. The four of us walked over to the border of the camp and stopped. I looked back. This could be the last time I see this place. But mom would be proud of me for this. So I did this for two people. Rose and my mom.

I bit my lip and cleared my head. "Let's go," I said as I stepped over the border, and away from home.



I am updating as much as I can now! But, starting on Monday (the day school starts) I will only be able to update once a week! I will still respond to comments though! This update will be on Sunday, and if I'm lucky, I can on Wednesday too! But only Sunday is GURANTEED! Love y'all! Hope you had a fantastic summer!

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