Going to Seoul

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You can't keep playing with us, Y/N. Who will you choose? Who will you pick to love and cherish you forever?

I never thought it would get to this point... it all started here:

Y/n 's POV

I could see the beautiful blue surrounding me. The clouds were so white and they seemed fluffy. I had the urge to touch them and cuddle with them... it's too bad they're just water.

I was on a plane to Seoul from Busan. I'm hoping for a bright future and a better life there, especially after that incident. Flashbacks then crowded my mind and I quickly shook my head to get rid of those nasty thoughts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Seoul." I heard the pilot say through the intercom, "Please remain seated for the meantime while we land this plane."

I leaned back into my seat, letting out a breath of relief. See, I'm not a big fan of flying. I packed up my things and put it in my carry on bag.

After a while of waiting for the plane to land at the airport, it finally did. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen. You can now unbuckle your seatbelts and dismount the plane. Have a nice day and thank you for choosing these airlines."

I grabbed my suitcase and got in line to get off the plane. I'm finally in Seoul. No one here knows me nor my past. I'd like to keep it that way. I then found my way out of the airport after picking up my luggage.

I called a cab and waited for a bit. After like 15 minutes, I saw the yellow car come and stop right in front of me. A man stepped out of the car and said, "Good morning, miss. I'll take your luggage and you can sit in the car."

He took the luggage and I obeyed his request. I sat in the back seat, wondering about how my apartment would look like. I haven't had the chance to view it completely due to my lack of available time.

My thoughts were then interrupted by the slam of the car door when the taxi driver got in.

"Where to, miss?" He said, looking back at me and waiting for my answer.

"Oh, uh, you can drop me off at Ji-soo's coffee shop," I replied, not paying any attention to the man and giving him the 20 bucks for the ride. The cab stopped and we both got out. He handed me my luggage and I thanked him.

"Have a nice day, miss."

"Yeah, you, too."

I entered the coffee shop and walked up to the counter, still lost in my thoughts. I smiled at the person behind the counter and ordered a latte and went to sit down in a booth. I didn't notice when the person behind the counter had brought me the latte. It took a bit for me to get it, but it gave me enough time to think about the next few days. I'd be starting school soon.

New school, new friends, new life (I hope). I finished my latte and then headed home to my newly rented apartment.


Heyyyy! You have just read the first chapter to a great story. This is also my first time in writing a story on wattpad so I really hope you enjoy it! Thank you for reading!


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