How it all began...

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****Just so you know this is only the first chapter and this may be  a long Fic by the way. I hope its enjoyable please follow and comment It encourages and helps me along the away, plus I'm new here. I just love kyungsoooo  *°*

Kyungsoo  is watching Jongin as his eyes fluttered shut. He's lying in his bed again. Kyungsoo  watches him with smiles, softly taking in his handsome features'.

He was breathing silently. His mouth slightly open, lips full, slightly red in color. His eye lashes's dark against his tan like skin. Kyungsoo wondered what they can do. He was lost in thought trying to paint a picture. A thought he didn't want to entertain. He slid his hand and wrapped it around a  rather strong like Jongin. His bare arms and chest peeked from the white sheets.He moved closer smiling because the thought of him next to him was exciting. He felt exhilarating. He was lingering on his lips. Jongin  lips were amazing. He wanted to taste them. They were full, like his, and they were calling out to him. He sat up slightly on his elbow, right palm holding up his head as he contemplated. Oh god he was contemplating hard. He wanted to still a kiss. He wanted to be his first kiss. It was harmless, Jongin  wouldn't mind, he seem like he wanted it too. He licks his own lips and bites one corner of it. He stared eyes going from the corner of his lips to his eyes. Kyungsoo  was now rubbing a hand down his face while laughing to him self.

"What kind of person am I," he said in a low tone. "I'm the worst.." he whispered now combing  his fingers through his hair. He stirred a little at his touch and kyungsoo stopped immediately  momentarily watching him stir. He then layed back on his side but this time he scooted closer. So close the brim of his nose touched his and he can feel his breathing brushing against his cheek. He felt his heart beating. He felt like tasting him.

He was teasing himself inwardly. He brushed his nose against the younger slightly  up and down careful not to wake him.

He then brought his hand to his hair again. Then his lips. He was that close. He should just do it already. He inched closer and when their lips touched he slowly pressed those soft lips, he felt the warmth, and with that it created a flutter in the pit of his stomach.

He was going to just do it and deal with it later.

His heart heated at a steady pace. All the while he wasn't thinking, he was more so surprised at him self. He didn't care. He pressed a little more, a little harder with hunger than before. Then a moan leaves Jongin's mouth. Kyungsoo didn't  stop either, Jongins' moans really made it worse for him.

It was a turn on.  Jongin gave away to kyungsoo who held him closer this time but his free hand pressed against his chest. It was a sign of contemplation.  even his touch was unsure. Jongin slipped his tongue through kyungsoo's parted lips. Kyungsoo didn't fight it. He was somewhere between being entranced and enticed. Jongin couldn't take it anymore. He was becoming hot and hard.

He nibbled and bit slowly at the older one lips. He became greedy and started licking and biting. His tongue then snaked his way to his neck. He nibbled gently half aware that kyungsoo was fully awake but he was half way awake eyelids half open due to his own enjoyment. He grabbed at Jongins Cock and uncontrollably he  shudders at Jongins soft whispers near his ear. It was deep and raspy. As he gently pulled his head back slightly.

"I want you." Kyungsoo mouth.

Their hearts were beating harder now.

They were in unison.

"Kyungsoo...I never knew." His voice filled with ecstasy. He was breathless. He can feel kyungsoo grabbing his cock tightly. He quickly assisted him in taking off his boxers. Jongin now on his back and kyungsoo straddling  looking down at him with wild eyes locking his gaze. His hair is a mess and his lips are moist.

Sleepless Nights, Broken Hearts*HAITUS*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat