Chapter 10: Gemma Jackman

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Jackman ordered a takeaway and headed back to her cabin where she would catch up on some sleep for just ten minutes before choosing her outfit. What was it? A party or like a dinner? What was she supposed to wear? Something slightly formal or just something casual? Oh screw it, she'll wear what ever she wanted because as far as she was concered right now she was doing Tanoa a favour by going out with him.

Oh who was she kidding, that was selfish of her  to think that way. She would probably have a lot of fun tonight, so she might as well as make an effort. She opened her suitcase and looked at what she had brought along with her. Hmmm.... Scummy old t-shirt? Nope. Flower dress? Too cold. What about a nice sarong? Maybe if it were two in the afternoon again. She decided to throw on a purple cardigan over the top of her singlet and call it done. She sprayed some perfume over herself and sat back down on the bed, sipping the long neck like some bogan.

Plain Jane was always her anyways. She never really dressed up before in her life. Even when she went out clubbing with her friends she always wore some Converse All Stars and a set of jeans and the only thing that would change was her top, if she wore a cardigan like this one or if she was forced to she would wear one of her friend's shirts because she wouldn't fit the dress code. She hated all the other girls for the way they dressed anyway. They were all complete sluts in their dresses, she didn't understand why guys chased after them. Okay she would be the first person to admit that she was no oil painting when it came to sex, but at least she wasn't advertising her body and then wondering why everyone treated her like a piece of meat. She always tried to get to know the guys a little first, it was easier that way and if they come back for more then at least you have a basis of friendship, right? At least, that's what she think happened with the other guy who was in her bed this morning.

Jackman checked the time and it was already ten to eight. She dozed off with out even realising it and she quickly stood up and looked at herself in the mirror attached to the wall next to the bed. She knew she could do better and she still had a few minutes to spare.

Fuck it.

She left anyways.

Tanoa was waiting there faithfuly at the bar, which was already shut. They took his nice Jeep Cherokee down the road to a nice part of the beach. It was literally a ten minute drive into Momi Bay. There were awesome shacks available for booking here and the lot of them were mainly in the water on stilts and they were all connected by cool looking bridges. The sand was much nicer here than down the road, it was a pure white and it felt nice to walk on. Jackman was embarassed she didn't realise she still wasn't wearing shoes. It made her laugh internally though.

Jackman and Tanoa both walked up to a group of people sitting around a nice campfire under the stars. There was a case of piss nearby and they were already cooking marshmallows. Most of them were Fijian, but a few looked like tourists, presumably from the shacks nearby.

"Ni sa bulla, Tanoa!" A Fijian man called out with his beer held high. Yeah, this was cool, Jackman knew this was right up her alley and its exactly what she wanted to do before she'd met Tanoa.

The Fijian man turned back to the fire, but threw a look over his shoulder again to make sure if he had seen correctly. "Tanoa! Hey!" He called out triumphantly when he saw that Jackman had voluntarily arrived with Tanoa. The man jumped up and handed the two a beer each.

"Give it a rest, man." Tanoa said exhaustedly. "You'll scare her away."

Jackman laughed and took the beer without making eye contact before helping herself to a seat next to a log.

"Well, howdy strangers!" An american in the cirlce said cheerfully. He looked like one of those rich people Jackman despised with his stupid polo and appropriate-for-this-region-of-the-earth-state-of-the-art shorts. They looked like something a South African hunter would've worn back in the day. Jackman ignored him as best he could.

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