Chapter 24

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Frown woke up the next morning when the lights where turned on.

He listened to who ever it was walk to his side.

" good morning doom lord Master Frown" Brock jr said.

" get a fucking life you pice of shit" Frown hissed at him.

" awwww did you not sleep well last night?" Brock jr asked.

" go the fuck away from me!!" Frown yelled at him. Frown did not sleep well last night at all. He woke up to many times to actually get a good restful sleep.

" so what are you hiding from the public, you nasty slut" Brock jr said and push a chair to the side of Frown. Bj sat down.

" I told you, I know nothing, you crazy psychopath" Frown spat at him.

"Hey Brock jr! I got some new from the street cameras, last night Brock and Unikitty's bodyguard were looking for him, and I think they took the bait, we will soon have Brock were we want him" Brock the 2ed said as he walked in looking down a a tablet.


" oh, sorry" B2 said backing out of the room with his hands up in surrender.

" so as I was saying, you tell me what I want to know, and" he held a syringe with a new color in it." And I don't have to do this" he said and jabbed the needle into Frown's right arm.

" now this one will hurt a bit more than the other by, I don't know, a lot!" Brock jr said and sat back in to the chair.

" you sick basterd, you just are going to sit there and watch" Frown said. Frown then started to have trouble breathing. He felt like he was suffocating.

Brock jr sat back and watched in amusement.

" I made this mix myself. I think it works pretty well, don't worry you won't die" he said.

" so how did you even get with him? I mean who would want him?" Brock jr continued to talk to Frown who gasped for air.

But all Frown was thinking about was Brock and Nikki. He only had been with her for a day. He just wanted to live another day so he might see her again.

After 5 minutes Frown started to feel like he could breath again.

" are you ready to talk" Brock jr asked Frown.

Frown though for a moment.

" yes, ok, the doom lords are working on a misery virus, that will make anyone and everyone sad" Frown lied.

" you can't lie to me!!" Brock jr yelled and stabbed something into master Frown's shoulder. Frown yelped.

Brock jr walked off.

Frown didn't know how long he sat there but he got more and more worried about the object in his shoulder and the lose of blood. Suddenly the door opened and a loud gasp was heard.

"Oh my,... what happened!? Oh no your losing blood!, oh gosh!" Someone muttered.

A few moments later there was someone carefully pulling out the object in his shoulder. Then they also saw the other three stab wounds in his arms. They took a needle and thread, and sewed the wounds closed.

" I am so sorry for my brother " the kind person said and leaned over Frown. He looked like all the other Brock's but he hade little stickers on his cheeks, and hade a lighter color green in his eyes.

" oh you that guy from my mums funeral, you came with Brock right?" He asked Frown. Frown stayed quite.

" I understand if you don't wanna talk, I know how you feel right now" Brock the 3rd told Frown.

suddenly the door opened again and Brock the 2ed walked in.

" wait why are you here, get out" Brock the 2ed said and shooed him away like a child. Brock the 3rd got up and left.

" I see he tended to your wounds " B2 said looking a the stitching in his arm.

" you know if you don't start talking, he will be back" Brock jr said walking in.

Brock the 2ed looked horrified at Frown.

" anyways I think some of these restraints are unnecessary now that you won't be trying to get out anymore" Brock the 2ed said tapping on the bars.

" ya what ever" Brock jr said not caring.

B2 started to unlock and remove some of the bars. After he was finished Frown only had arm cuffs, a bar going across his chest and a cuff around his neck keeping him down on the table.

" ok that looks good enough" he said and left the room.

Frown kinda felt tired, so he closed his eyes.

The door to the Room opened and a figure peeked there head in. Once they made sure no one was there, they slipped throw the door and locked it from the inside. He flipped the light switch on and dimmed it a bit. He walked over to Frown, who was sleeping. He scratch at the sticker on his face. He looked over the sleeping doom lord and smiled to himself. He was thankful the room was soundproof.

"Master Frown was going to have some trama after this." He told himself and climbed up on to the table.


Brock the 3ed kissed frown on the lips, which woke him up.

" the fuck?! Get off of me" Frown said and tried to kick him off.

" what the fuck do you think your doing!?" Frown said starting to panic. He tried again to kick him off but Brock the 3ed had put all his weight on his lower half.

" get off me!!!!" Frown yelled.

All Brock the 3rd did was smile at him. Frown knew that smile, because that what Brock did before they got frisky.

"no, NO No no NO nO," Master Frown yelled in fear. He tried every attempt to free himself, but nothing worked. He could feel Brock the 3rd playing with the bottom of his cloak.

" GET OFF MY YOU FUCKING HORNY SLUT!!!!!" Frown yelled with panic.

He closed his eyes and hoped he would wake up from a bad dream, but this was not a dream.

But before anything else continued the door opened up.

" what the fuuuuucccccc" Brock jr said out loud.

Brock the 3rd turned around to see his younger brother.

" hold on, Master Frown, if you tell me what I want to know, I will tell him to leave, but if you don't, well I will leave a pretend nothing was happening" Brock jr said with a sly smile.

" I-i truly have nothing, I have no knowledge of anything that happens with in the circles of the doom lords!!" Frown yelled.

" ok then" Brock jr said and left.

Brock the 3rd looked down on Frown. He again started to play with the bottom of his cloak, pulling it up slowly. Master Frown looked at him with horrified eyes.

" get off please " Frown cried as he pushed him self into the doom lord.

" oh don't tell me you don't enjoy the feeling " B3 asked Frown.

" n-no because your not Brock!!! now g-GET OFF m-ME" Frown yelled trying as hard as he could to wiggle free.

Once Brock 3 started to thrust, Frown yelled in pain and panic. Tears started to roll down his cheeks.

" gET OfF mE, StOp!!!!" He yelled in panic.

" MMMmm you feel so good" B3 said and started to go faster.

" HELP, sOmE ONe" Frown cried out in between breaths. He bit the bottom of his lip.

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