Chapter One - So How Did We Meet?

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How did we meet? I don't remember but we will each write our side story.


Wellll, to start things off, it just happened to be so that Jady, Kelli and I were all in the same camp cabin. We were all from totally different schools and I remember looking at Kelli and thinking, hm, what an adorable girl with a front fringe and high pigtails. It wasn't until later that I really paid attention to Jady though (sorry!) (you should be -.-)

So a few days after camp I met this other really nice girl called Vanny and well, let's just say that Jady sort of maybe kinda actually "stole" her for a while until I realised how nice Jady was as well!! And then somehow we ditched Vanny (don't remember how), found Kelli and now we are real good friends that can talk about anything!! Even all the girly stuff!! (after they explained most of it to me in EXTREME detail) (she asked for it though...)


I have no idea whatsoever on how I met them and what influenced me to befriend these two in the first place. As Lauzy said, I was kind of friends with a girl named Vanny who I had met at the camp. And basically what Lauzy said...

As for Kelli... I have a feeling we met in maths when I was already going a little insane with Vanny... Or maybe that was later on when I met you... I have no idea... I'm sorry. I have selective memory so yeah...


A long long time ago, during the year 2013, our year group had a two day camp. There I met the cute and innocent Lauzy by getting up from bed during the night in high pigtails and staring at her. Let's just say she almost cried. Anyways, from that day forward I knew Lauzy as my easy to scare, awesome, cute and innocent friend. (hey.....)

Honestly, I have no idea of how I met Jady.

It could've been during camp, or some crappy game of soccer, the world may never know. Maybe she will tell you. Oh wait, she already did, haha. (-_- Kelli... You need help...)

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