Chapter Three - You Can Smell The Randomness In The Air...

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Wow geez, how did I make that title? Eh. Anyways, guess who's writing this chappy? you should know by the bold. (>•-•)>

Hehe I love you too.

So random things huh?

So what is red and smells like blue paint?








What did the farmer say after he lost his tractor?













"Where's my tractor?"


Hilarious right? No? Ok, I'll stop.


I played monopoly with my brother once. He rage-quit. True story.

You want to know why?

Because I owned pretty much most of the districts and he keeps landing on them. I ended up like 100,000,000 more dollars than him. X)


Once upon a time, Lauzy, Jady and I made stories which made no sense, are really inappropriate (thanks to me), and are friggin hilarious. You might find them in a later chappy by Jady or Lauzy. They have the stories. The rules for the stories will be explained here.

1. You stay by a theme if you want. E.g. I picked inappropriate theme for one story and stupidity for another and inappropriate for the third. Jady stuck by fangirl and unicorn/fairies/etc. Lauzy stuck by food. Apparently the 3 stories written by Jady and I are hilarious. I almost died reading them.

2. You write a line or two and you have to fold it back so the next writer doesn't see it. when you unfold it, there will be bits that doesn't make sense, but that is what makes so funny.

3. After you write your lines and folded it, you have to write a word or two leading off from the earlier sentence, or the beginning a new sentence, or the end of your sentence.

4. You must write in a different coloured for each person. e.g. me - black; jady - blue; lauzy - purple.

5. If you're doing it in class, don't get caught. ;D

6. No peeking at what the person before you wrote.

That's all that I can think of. Not too complicated... when shown visually. Not so simple when explained verbally or written down.



The COCKatoos were squawking on our school oval, so jady and I squawked back. Jady was the better squawker. And Lauzy? Well she just laughed her head off. WAIT. SHE LAUGHED HER HEAD OFF?!?! "OH MAH GERD!!! SHE NEEDS AN AMBULANCE! HER HEAD IS FALLING OFF!! HELP! HELP! HELP! ooh look a COCKatoo! squawk! squawk! oh yeah... Looking good there Lauzy with your head chilling half-way severed. How come there's no blood? Eh.

asdfghjkl. COCKatoos. WTH Kelli?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


ANYWAYS, I will tell you a story in my POV.

"How's life?" I asked my two friends, Jady and Lauzy on the school oval. "Yeah life's fine." Jady replied and Lauzy nodded her head in agreement. We all reached down into our bags and started to get our lunch and munch on it. We talked for about 20 minutes before Lauzy finished her lunch and started playing tag. What a silly girl, I thought. "Lauzy! Don't run around after you just ate!" I shouted to her, but of course she ignored me. When Jady and I were about to finish our lunches, she came over and said, "My stomach huuuuurts." Jady and I rolled our eyes and started sighing. "Lauzy, Lauzy, Lauzy. Seriously?" Jady said. "I thought you knew to not run after you ate." Jady nodded at my words. "Oh. I never knew that." Lauzy said in wonder. jady and I both face palmed... after that, we kept sighing.

Of course it was crazier than that. I just kept it sane so none of you readers would get too scared. ;)


I don't what else to talk about... Welp, in that case, bye!!! I'll catch ya later. (>o-o)> Over and Out.

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