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'Day 1 of training...laundry' Sparklez reminded himself as he dressed in one of the newer maid's dresses Felicia gave him. This dress was a deep midnight blue with a white bow for his waist, X crossing ribbons on his chest, and a fluffy skirt that went down to his knees. Sadly the prince had ordered a new rule for his personal servants...'GOT to wear red lacy panties at all times even off hours.' The ex-captain groaned inwardly as he pulled the silk undergarments on. Luckily for him the dress was an even length so it wouldn't ride-up and show anything.

Once his new black stockings were on and his high heels in place the dressed man hurried out to the castle thrown room. Felicia was already there with 2 baskets, a plate of food, and a small bundle the size of an orange. The aged woman handed the newcomer the plate with a smile. "Eat up hun. Ya got LAUNDRY to learn today. Trust me it aint easy." Sparklez nodded and walked with her as he ate.

After a quick stop at the kitchen to drop off the plate, the 2 set out to collect laundry from the royal towers. Sparklez was lead to Ant's tower while another aged maid, Angel, headed to the king and queen's tower. "We can't send George or Sam to the grown ups tower. That bitch of a queen'd use them like the others." Felicia muttered to him. He nodded in agreement before they entered Ant's room.

Doing his OWN laundry was never a hassle. Hell, doing his FRIEND'S laundry while they stayed a night or 2 wasn't a hassle either. However, the PRINCE'S laundry was different. 'If I have to do this every single day with him PURPOSELY leaving THESE,' he picked up his 18th pair of boxers, 'I'll die after a day!' When the royal left to sign the peace treaty he decided it'd be amusing to leave only his underwear behind as dirty clothes. Any shirts or pants he left were already picked up the day before. "It's forbidden for another maid to touch a royal's private clothes...Only the personal servant can touch 'em." The old woman explained as Sparklez grabbed the last pair. By now he was as red as a cherry.

Luckily washing the clothes wasn't as embarrassing because each royal had their own private laundry room at the base of the tower. The older minecraft unwrapped the orange sized bundle revealing scented leaves and spices. Apparently the prince liked his clothes smelling like maple and sometimes like roasted apples (see what i did thar?). Once Felicia showed him the basic ground rules and steps Sparklez was left alone to clean clothes. Without anyone around he felt more relaxed when handling the prince's underwear...underwear he had worn at one time- 'NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE THINKING OF THAT!' His mind screamed making him turn red again.

He was so wrapped up in his thoughts and work that he didn't notice the 2 patrol-guards enter the room. Their route was all over the tower EXCEPT the prince's room. One patrolman smirked to the other noticing the ex-captain in a small dress. Before, when Sparklez was head of the Armada, the patrolmen showed him the utmost respect and never dared to mess with him. Now they could do all the harm they wanted and not suffer any consequences. The taller of the 2 guards stepped closer to Sparklez with a sinister grin plastered on his pale features. "My, my, my. Aint this a BEAUTIFUL sight!" He hissed making the dressed man freeze in fear.

The other guard stepped up chuckling. "I don't believe we've had the PLEASURE of being in the company of such a PROUD young man." He teased as sapphire eyes turned to them nervously. The pale one was now directly behind Sparklez, eying his outfit and dainty build. "Well? Aintcha gonna turn around? Show us who's boss...CAPTAIN...?" His grey eyes narrowed as the maid gripped the shirt he was washing.

Without warning Sparklez turned and threw the shirt at them. it landed with a sick SPLAT on the tall one's face while the remaining soap sprayed into the others eyes. He bolted for the door hoping to get away from the 2 and be safe with Felicia or in the prince's room but, sadly, he wasn't very fast anymore thanks to the high heels. The pale guard seized Sparklez' arm and yanked him back making him crash into the wall. All the air in the poor man's lungs left him while his captor pulled him higher on the wall till he was off the ground.

"You little BITCH!" The soap-eyed one hollered. "You'll pay for that MISSY!" The one holding him tightened his grip while his friend came closer. His cold hand running up the ex-captain's leg to rest on his thigh while his other hand grabbed the back of his neck. All the while Sparklez thrashed and kicked trying desperately to free himself. His movements stilled when the taller guard growled in his ear. "Kick again and we'll break every bone in your body. Then hang you by your toes in town square."

A terrified chill went down his spine as he fought to stay still. He whimpered helplessly as the exploring guard slid his hand further up his leg to grab at his rear. The guard laughed and turned to his friend. "How appropriate! The captain's wearing ladies underwear!" The 2 laughed coldly before they were both feeling him up. His mind was filled with horrified pleas but his voice had left him in the dust. Sparklez' hands weakly pushed on the taller one's shoulders trying to get him off while his tongue lapped at his neck. With a dark growl he did move away but his metal covered hand struck the poor man across the cheek leaving a a dark bruise. "Enough. Cmon we've shown him all the 'pleasure' we can."

In and instant the 2 guards stepped away leaving him to slide to the floor. They left the laundry room cackling and fussing over how detailed a story they'd tell to the other guards about Sparklez' predicament. Once they had left the ex-captain rubbed his hands over himself in disgust. Tears flowed own his cheeks as he cried, softly, to himself. 'Why me? Why am I the one to suffer this?' His trembling hands came to his head. One clutched his hair the other felt the bruise left behind.

Later on that day Felicia returned to find Sparklez curled up next to the baskets. The laundry was all done and drying but he was still a complete mess from the patrolmen. She held him as long as he needed trying to comfort the ex-captain and assure him the prince will be told of what was done. While they sat together a horrified thought came for his mind. "Wait. Do the guards have access to the private cottages?!" Sapphire turned to emerald as she stared in shock at the question. A calm smile formed. "Hun. Ya don't have to worry about that. Only a royal or the servant that's stayin' in the cottage can open it. Not even a disgustin' pig like the guards would DARE enter the cottages. The royals have clear views of the houses and would see what they were doing. They wouldn't risk bein' beheaded just to satisfy themselves forcefully. Ya safe as long as ya in that cottage. Understand?"

He nodded biting his lip. After a while they left the laundry room, with the clothes dried and shaken out, to fold the clothes and put them in their right places. Sure enough Sparklez was chatting casually with Felicia and blushing furiously at handling the royal's undergarments.

That night the minecrafter sat on his window sill looking out at the city. His ship was gone, it had left early in the day, leaving an empty harbor and it's beloved captain behind. With a deep sigh he climbed back inside and curled up for the night. 'Hopefully tomorrow wont be as horrible. I think she said we'd be working on cleaning...' He held back a yawn as he rolled over to look at the ceiling. 'If this happens everyday I might as well quit and work for Sky after all...' Another yawn and his blue eyes fell shut.

Nightmares plagued him that night. The guards touching him, tormenting him about being dressed as a woman, and even going further than touches. No. Sparklez didn't sleep well at all and it was only just the start of his problems.

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