The Newcomer

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‘Sit down and take your books please.’ Miss Evoline sat down as well, which is something she often does. She looked very tired like every other Monday. I was half asleep again and did not bother to take my book at all. Sitting in the first row in front of her desk was a relief for that. I got away with it because the class computer covered my face and even better, Miss Evoline had an awesome habit were she looked at the back seats all the time. I could just sleep peacefully at all times. Another privilege of sitting in front is that I sit next to the window. Looking outside is one of the favorite things I do during classes. I looked forward to that day. Not because of the lessons of course, but I planned to go to the boxing school afterwards, which is the only thing I like to do. My thoughts got interrupted when I felt that something was thrown against me. Kludd was grinning. It was a piece of paper, again. I did not have to open it to know what was written on it. ‘Loser’ I thought. I did not pay any further attention to it and tried to sleep a bit. Martin told me that if you stop paying attention to a bully he will eventually stop. I guess Kludd does not know that rule yet. ‘Mickey Deans, attention please,’ I had a scare when Evoline slammed her hand on my desk. I looked as irritated as I felt towards the teacher wondering what was so important to get me out of my nap. ‘I just said we have a new student today.’ I looked at her with a confused gaze and a little disbelief. I had no idea how long I was dozed off but everyone in class was looking at me. I noticed Kludd had been throwing way more papers than I thought, obvious from the junk on my desk. Still looking confused I wondered why there would be a new student. No one wanted to go to this school. Everything is a mess here with Kludd ruling the place. The fact he can throw papers at me without Evoline saying anything about it proves that statement entirely. Everyone looked curiously at the door. A few seconds later a muscular man came into our classroom, I estimated him about 23-years old. Behind him a boy of about 16 appeared, my age. He looked pale and lifeless. He walked into the classroom as if he did not even know he was walking there, as if he had forgotten his own presence. he looked at the floor and did not make any eye contact. The entire class was silent and everyone looked at this mystery guy. I was amazed by how he looked. I never saw anyone that lifeless before and while thinking that, he lifted his face up and looked straight at me. I had to keep myself from gasping when he looked at me. His eyes pierced through mine. They looked so broken and his gaze gave me shivers. Before I realized I was staring Kludd had thrown another paper at me. ‘Stop being gay juck’ I read in the corner of my eye. But I did not care. I could not look away from him. I was lost in his eyes.

Besides his cold and heartless look he had the most amazing eyes I had ever seen. They were beautifully green and very light-colored. It was an amazing and kind of unlikely contrast with his ivory black hair. His hair was messy and perfect. I melted away just by looking at him and I felt sad seeing that he was so broken inside. He seemed to be muscular too. I believed he did some sports as well, perhaps also boxing? Miss Evoline talked to the strong man. I could not hear a word they said, but the man left as fast as he came. ‘Class, this is Jason Launes. He is our new student. Jason is not willing to talk because of personal circumstances’, Evoline spoke extremely uncomfortable, not looking at anyone while she did. ‘Jason you can sit next to Mickey.’ The ghost boy looked at me a second time with his broken and dull green eyes and went to his chair next to mine. I did not know why, but this ghost boy had every bit of my attention. There was something mysterious about him, something that I was planning to find out. And I was not planning to stop until I found what I was searching for, whether I knew what it was or not.

The bell rang and everyone ran out of class to the cafeteria. ‘Perfect opportunity to talk to the ghost boy’, I thought. I turned to his seat and he looked at me with confusion. ‘You want to sit with me for lunch?’ I asked hopefully. He looked at me so long, it felt like forever. It was like he was studying me and it gave me shivers. He took his school bag and before I knew what he was doing he had a piece of paper in his hands. He took his pen out of his pencil case and started writing. Curiosity filled my mind. He showed me the paper: ‘I eat my lunch at home’ I said it was no problem and walked out of class. ‘Shoot’, I thought ‘opportunity failed.’

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