Signs in computer class

73 4 31

Aries ~ The one who spends their time searching up porn (I'm sorry if you are an Aries)

Taurus ~ The 'Coder'

Gemini ~ The one who gets what they're doing they're just too lazy to do anything

Cancer ~ Clueless

Leo ~ Non understanding so copy's off of Taurus

Virgo ~ Understanding and doesn't try but gets GD

Libra ~ The 'try hard' but never succeeds

Scorpio ~ The 'speed typer'

Sagittarius ~ The 'Imma search up anime pics' the whole time

Capricorn ~ The one who sneaks onto other websites during class (eg wattpad) and chats to friends until they get caught

Aquarius ~ The 'I don't know' one

Pisces ~ The one who treats the lesson like an optional class and talks to their friend the whole time

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