[Request] signs as vines

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Requested by BrunetteMira for signs as memes but I'm going to have to do it as vines because some people won't get the memes

Aries ~ Look at all those chickens

Taurus ~ You don't need a degree to be a hanger

Gemini ~ little brown shark

Cancer ~ " how to become a popular viner,

Step one,

Kidnap a popular viner „

Leo ~ has never had oovoo javer

Virgo ~ " it's Wednesday my dudes "

Libra ~ " that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick "

Scorpio ~ " someone's gotta keep the American promise you simply must meet Thomas Thomas..


What? What'd I miss? :D „

Sagittarius ~ " have you heard the new Hamilton mixtape? „

Capricorn ~ " you not my daddd "

Aquarius ~were going on a trip

Pisces ~ why tf you lyin'

❤︎-zodiac signs-requests open-❤︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz