Chapter 2

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Yes I said it, first day of school but not just that it's my freshman year. I wanted to have to best to week of summer since the last is my birthday!!

"So what are going to for your b-day Nath?" said Katherine. I haven't really thought about since all I was doing was going to foster parents after foster parents just so they could have money. "I haven't really thought about it," I replied. "What do you mean you haven't thought about it?!?" mimicking me. "You have to do something fun before our first year of high school and in fact whatever you do for your birthday, we might find some cute boys!" said Katie. I would be nice to have some fun after this mess and she is right, only two weeks before school. I thought years for this what I wanted to do but I didn't think it was the right time until now. "I want to go to the town of seaman lake," I said. My friends look at like I f just drank a bottle of snake venom. "You're so funny!" Katherine said while laughing. Katie join but the look on my face said that I wasn't kidding. "Wait you're serious!?!? That town is a death wish and not only that I heard that are mermaids and other evil creatures there!" said Katie. "You're over reacting! Those are just myth and I found a place with good WiFi, good food.." Kathrine cuts me off before I can say anymore nice about the place. "I bet the WiFi sucks first and foremost, second I bet the food is fill with poison, and THIRD of all! I bet there's an ocean near the place so you can take landscape pictures." She was true about one thing, I like to take photo of landscapes because of the nature around it. "Okay so? My birthday is the only day that I become a year older and would you rather be stuck with parents or go out and have some fun!?!?" The girls I had to process for a second but after a 3 minutes they decided to let go and go on this trip with. "I promise you guys this is going to be fun!" I said. "You better be right and have good WiFi or else I will have no problem murdering you in your sleep." Katie replied. Same with Kathrine. I know this is going to be fun until we got there but I won't give any spoiler.

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