The BBQ part 1

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So a lot of stuff happens in this chapter, I felt like I would be doing a disservice if I only put snippets of how the night went. So I'm going to be writing 2 parts for the BBQ 😊😊enjoy!

Lexa pulled the keys out of the engine and angled the rear view mirror her way, Anya watched in amusement from the passenger seat. She's never seen her cousin like this before, she didn't know whether to be worried or happy for her baby cousin.

Lincoln rolled his eyes from the backseat and opened the door, he let himself out. "Oh my god Lexa you look fine..can we please go now I'm hungry", he whined.

"Yeah you promised me food", Anya agreed and let herself out of the car. Lexa checked her lipgloss one last time and exited the drivers seat.

"Alright how do I look", she walked around the car and stopped in front of her brother and her older cousin. To say she was nervous was a complete understatement, Lexa couldn't remember the last time she felt like this about a girl. Especially a girl she just met, but Clarke made her stomach sing.

"You look like a million bucks, now can we go", Anya rushes. Lexa rolled her eyes as they walked up the pave way to the front door, there was no music playing but she hoped that they had the right address. Before she could even knock on the door, it swung open. Revealing the very object of her newfound affection.

"Lexa you made it!", Clarke announces with a giant smile on her face.

"I didn't want to miss out on that hug you promised", the youngest woods responded. Clarke pulled her in for a hug, her cheeks tinted pink. Lexa wrapped her arms around her almost like they've been doing this for years, Clarke was about to take another sniff of her hair when Lincoln cleared his throat.


"Oh right!" Lexa pulled away from the hug much to Clark's silent protest. "Uhm Clarke this is my older brother Lincoln and my cousin Anya....guys this is Clarke".

Anya reaches out her hands first, "it's nice to finally meet you Clarke, Lexa won't shut up about you".

If looks could kill, Anya would be a puddle on the floor. Clarke raised a brow at Lexa, "is that so?"

Lincoln laughed, "oh yeah it's kind of gross how much she talks about you really".

Lexa closed her eyes in embarrassment, of course they would do this to her know. Clarke on the other hand couldn't wipe the smile off of her face even if she tried, Lexa has been talking about her.

"Well I'm definitely going to be continuing this conversation later, right now everyone's out back...follow me guys", Clarke and Lexa walked along each other with Lincoln and Anya trailing steps behind them. As they got to the back of the house, Clarke slid the back door open revealing the backyard.

At least 60 people were there.

"Damn you know a lot of people", Lincoln's observed. Making Clarke laugh, "most of them are just friends of friends".

Just then two girls who looked very familiar to Lexa began approaching them, "guys these are my two best friends Octavia and this is guys this is Lexa...Anya and Lincoln".

Lexa shook their hands and raised a brow at Raven, "do I know you from somewhere?"

Raven laughed and nodded, "yeah I work at the Blue diner".

"Oh I love that's nice to finally meet you properly"

"Likewise", Raven smiles at her. Octavia's was too busy staring at the beautiful man standing behind Clarke.

"hey tall, dark and marriage know how to work a grill?" Octavia asked, her eyes never leaving Lincoln who was slightly taken back by her bluntness.

"Well I am the certified grill master of the family", he replies making Anya snort.

"Great! My brother has absolutely no idea what he is you can come help me on the grill. And give me a reason to give you my number, it was nice meeting you Lexa", and with that Octavia turned around and made her way back to the grill.

"I think I'm in love", Lincoln mumbled to no one in particular as he took off behind the younger Blake.

Anya let out a little laugh, "uhm...what just happened?"

"That's just Octavia being Octavia", Raven responded. "Would you like a drink Anya?"

"Oh I would love one" Anya politely accepted and waved at Lexa before following Raven over to the cooler.

"And then there was two", Clarke says playfully over the music coming from the speakers.

Lexa let out a little laugh, "your friends are....interesting".

"Oh wait till they get're in for a treat".

"Ok now I'm scared"

Clarke gasped, "thee Lexa Woods gets scared?"

Lexa raised a brow, "are you mocking me?"

"A little", the blonde responded with a grin.

Lexa let out a little laugh, this woman was going to change her life she just knew it

So that was part one. Please vote and comment on what you think, I would love to hear some feedback. And if you guys want me to write more chapters I can do that as well. Much ❤️

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