The BBQ Part 2

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Lexa can't remember the last time she laughed this much, Clarke's friends were crazy but in a fun charismatic way. And Clarke made sure that she was permanently attached to Lexa's side...which Lexa didn't mind at all.

The more time she spent with Clarke the more she realized that she was completely smitten. At around 7pm Raven had a bonfire going, Lincoln and Octavia were managing the bbq much to Bellamy's protest, Clarke's friend Jasper was rolling up blunts in the corner. And Clarke was downing the last of her 4th cup.

She drinks when she's nervous, it helps with her confidence. Octavia loves it cause a drunk Clarke meant a night to never forget, Raven on the other hand hated it because....well she was left on cleanup duty.

"So Lexa", the blonde started..her words a bit slurred.

"So Clarke", the more composed of the two responded with an amused smile. Clarke was the cutest drunk she'd ever seen.

"I have a tiny confession", the blonde says swaying slightly on her feet.

"I'm scared but ok"

Clarke giggled, "I didn't just invite you here because I wanted to thank you for saving my ID and stuff".

"Oookay?" Lexa raised her brow slightly wondering just where Clarke was going with this.

"I may or may not have formed a crush on you", Clarke would regret those words leaving her mouth when the morning came. But as for right now the alcohol in her system was applauding her for being so honest.

A bright smile was now on Lexa's lips, Clarke had a crush on her. The girl who she's been stuck on for the last week or so, felt the same way she did.

Taking her silence as a form of rejection Clarke covered her face with both hands, "I am such an idiot why did I say that?!"

"What? No! Clarke it's on I like you too!" Lexa blurted our as she reached a hand and wrapped it around Clarke's wrist, pulling her hands away from her face

"Are you just saying that cause I'm embarrassed?"

Instead of responding Lexa leaned over, a soft smile still gracing her lips. She placed a soft kiss against Clarke's cheek, making the blonde sport a goofy smile.

"Ok I believe you".

Across the way Raven and Anya stood close to each other, closer than two people who had just met. "See? I told you!" Raven gestures towards Clarke and Lexa with a happy smile.

They've been staring at the two girls for the last hour wondering who was going to make the first move, Anya grumbled as they watched Lexa lean over and place a kiss on Clarke's cheeks.

Anya has her money on Clarke, but Raven knew better.

"You owe me 5 bucks", Raven says with a point.

"Ok.....but will you take 5 cents instead cause that's all I have".

"I'll take your number instead", Raven turned her entire body to face Anya.

Anya raised a brow at her, was all of Clarke's friends this forward? Speaking of forward she began looking around for Lincoln and Octavia, she swore they were by the grill not even 5 minutes ago.

"That's pretty forward of you.....what makes you think I want to give you my number?"

Raven smirked, "you've been staring at my mouth since we met, you brushed your hands agains mines at least 5 times and not to mention you asked if I was seeing someone 5 minutes after we sat down". Raven folded her arms over her chest.

Anya blinked a couple times as Raven listed off all the reasons she knew that Anya wanted her number, "'re good". She says as she reaches into her pocket and pulled out her phone, she must admit the straightforwardness was a complete turn on.

Took me a while but I finally got part 2 done, if there are any errors I apologize. Didn't really get a chance to reread, but I will later. I just wanted to get this out for you guys. Much love ❤️

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