1 DamienxDick

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Penny: Hey guys. I'm starting to work really hard on all of my stories. Please go check them out, vote, comment, and make suggestions. Please fasten your seatbelts and get ready to see a player for the other team.

Title: Team Trouble, I'll be There

Damien age 18

Dick age 13

Damien P.O.V.

No one was home. No one to disturb me. Grayson is staying with his friend who is not good enough for him, Drake was shooting people with Todd, and Father is out doing something. I heard footsteps running to a room then a door slamming. There was sobbing after the door was closed. I took a small knife and moved in the direction of the noise. It was Grayson's room. "Grayson, are you in there?" I asked knocking on the thirteen-year-old's door. the boy opened the door with a hand mark on his face and red eyes. He avoided eye contact.

"I'm sorry to make you check on me Dami. The team got a little upset with me." Grayson said looking me in the eyes. His eyes were filling up with tears again. I opened my arms for him to run into. He clutched me and didn't let me go until he passed out. I carried him to my room. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, almost beautiful. The poor boy didn't even know about my deeper feelings for him.

Dick P.O.V.

I woke up not knowing where I was. I started feeling the face behind me. "Grayson, cut it out," Damien said slapping my hand away.

"Dami?" I asked rolling over. He must have been close to me because our lips touched. Dami didn't seem to have a problem with it because he immediately put one hand behind my head and the other went around my waist. My hands were gently resting on his chest. When we broke apart, I opened one eye and bit my lip. Dami had his eyes open and his lips in a tight line.  He pulled me back in and pulled me onto his lap. One of my legs were on either side of his lap. He shoved his tongue into my mouth making my knees weak. I fell onto his lap and something was poking my butt. Dami groaned and one of his hands moved to my butt and squeezed hard. I fell off of his lap and onto the floor.

"Grayson, are you alright?" Dami asked offering me a hand. I took it and used my momentum to wrap my legs around Dami's waist and kiss him hard. He dropped me on the bed and hovered over me. "You are a pain, Grayson," Dami said smiling. He pulled my shirt off and his as well. Dami started to kiss my neck and when he bit it I did something that I didn't know I was capable of: I moaned out Dami's name. "How far do you want to take this, Grayson?" Dami asked. I put on what I think is a sultry grin.

"All the way," I said pulling him into a kiss. He pulled off my pants and broke the kiss to get his off as well. He pushed one finger into me and then another and another. I'm pretty sure I was crying at that point. He pushed his dick into me and I was a panting moaning mess. Let's just say when we were finished we had to explain ourselves to a very confused Jason and Tim.

Penny: I hope you guys liked this. I'll try to post more of these.

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