Chapter 2

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Nelly's POV

"I wish Dad hadn't gone to war.." I said solemnly, "I know Nelly, me to.." mum replied, it had been a few days since dad left, and since we moved..and since he gave me the camera, "can I go outside? You and dad wouldn't let me." I asked, he hadn't let me go out at all! "Maybe.. just, avoid the signs, they stink.. and people have put stuff on them that aren't true.: she said, as if she was hiding something, " so I can go?" I poked, she sighed and said yes, I brought a sandwich for in case I got hungry, and left, since mum sounded so determined to keep me go away from the signs, I went straight and and read a bit out loud, "FOR SALE, Filled with all the things you need to s-" a hand grabbed my arm and yanked me back, "I told you not to go near the sign! Shesh! Come on lets walk together, see the dirt path? Lets go walk on that, maybe we will find something interesting." Before I could reply she pulled me away to the dirt path, "Muuumm why cant read the sign?!" I asked, annoyed, I could've sworn it said survive at the end, I would hope not! There was more writing, I would have to sneak out... "Look, the war is coming and I don't need you getting stressed out.. oh look! A market, how nice!" She said and quickly pulled me over, but she got completely distracted and let go of me, we only walked a few meters, so I ran back to look at the sign, time to read! Ok I've read that.. all the things you need to...S-Survive!! What?! Hang on... filled with all the things you need to survive a..Nuclear Explosion... I ran back not wanting to scare my mum, she had just turned around asking me what I thought as I ran into her view, I tried to keep in my pants, I walked up to her, "sorry?"I asked,
"I said what do you think on me getting some mangoes? Your favorite!" She said cheerfully, it made me feel a little guilty about running off, "Yes please!" I said, attempting to be cheery,
"Alright, how much will they be?" Mum asked the stall keeper, I ignored what he said, she gasped but then said that it will do, "Ok let's go home." She said after what semis like five seconds, we walk home, when we got to the sign she got on the other side, closer to the sign, "I've already seen it mum. I know what it says, about a nuclear explosion." I said blankly, the looked at me, shocked, then sighed, "Ok well, it shouldn't happen too soon," she said with a sigh, "Don't worry, OK?"

~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥ ~A FEW WEEKS LATER~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥

The Siren screamed, planes were approaching I rushed and grabbed everything I loved, plushies, photos, phone and of course the DVD, I put them all in the bunker then tan back up to help my mum with food and water, "Have you got clothes??" She asked,
"Yes." She ran me through a list of things while packing food and water into a bag, with me helping of course, "Go turn on the generator, now, and take this," Mum handed me a bag of supplies, "Then see if you can connect to the WiFi, look at the broadcasts and see whats going on" I sprinted down to the generator and turned it on, carrying the bag of supplies, I dumped them down then turned on the TV and watched, no point wasting the WiFi, I flicked through the channels until I found channel 665+1, the channel where insane people recorded the war.. I wonder how much blood I'll see, I listened to the man, "I would recommend that you find cover! planes are attacking everywhere!" the man tuned into his walky-talky then said, "We have a report that JgYGhsdD has just been bombed, I hope everyone there is OK! I-" Before he could finish a huge bang was heard and the camera zoomed up on a giant mushroom cloud in the distance then a layer of heat and ash came speeding to them, the camera man dropped the camera and all I could hear was screams, "I'M MELTING!!" The news reporter screamed,

"ITS A RADIOACTIVE BOMB!" I heard the camera man shout, moments later a foul creature went in front of the camera, it was like a human but had- I nearly puked at the sight of the two mutated men, or man now, they had fused and were in clear pain, partly melting and partly growing giant green see-through blisters, it was horrifying, I wen to go with mum but turned around to see her looking at the TV in horror.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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