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Kevin and I walk in the direction that Todd walked off in. It was to hard to find him when following his snowy tracks and hearing his booming voice. He found Ryan and is really laying it on him. I've never seen the man made before, but I'm glad it's not at me. Ryan deserves every bit of this. As a cop, it sickens me that I am off duty and out of the country. Men like him are the worst and I legally can't do anything here. Preying on women and weaker people like a monster. The whole event reminds me of when I was new to the force. It was at night in a well known area in downtown Miami. The young woman was only nineteen years old. She was found unconscious behind a dumpster in the alley besides McDull's Bar. A bartender found her during a smoke break and called it in. I was the first on the scene. I even beat the ambulance. She was just now coming to, but still delirious. I checked her ID and made note of her address, name, and age. She was too young to even be at the bar. She was the same age as my little sister. It made me sick. This girl is someone's sister. Someone's daughter. After the drugs were out of her system, she was able to describe the perp. He was a couple years older than her. When we found him it all went to trial. He walked off with nothing but a slap on the wrist. No record. No jail time. Just community service. He's a monster and the young lady didn't get justice. The judge and jury humiliated her. She dropped out of college because of all the teasing and bullying that surrounded the entire trial. It's not fair. The one that was wronged was the one punished. It was the first time I saw it but will not be the last.

Kevin and I finally make our way to Todd and Ryan after waiting for Todd to get done pressing him. Todd glances at us as we got closer.

"I'm glad you boys are here. We will deal with this if Alex wants to press charges once we get back to our starting town. For now, we will focus on keeping him away from her. The guys and girls will sleep separately tonight since we have the houses we can use. The girls will use the tent and sleep on one end of the town and the boys will all stay at the other end inside a house. Ryan will not be allowed alone with any girl for the rest of the trip."

"Okay. We will tell the girls."


A town named WinterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora