"fat kids are no fun"

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Fat, was the first thing that ran through Adrianne's mind when she looked in the mirror. Of course she didn't care if she was bigger than other girls. Her hips were wide, and of course, she was no size 8.

She had extra fat on her arms, or "bingo wings" as the bullies called them. Adrianne had big thighs, which she loved, and called them curvy. "Thunder thighs" is what the others said.


Ugly, was anther term she used when she saw her reflection. Her nose wasn't petite or button like, and her eyes weren't the nicest or clearest shade of blue, her eyes were large and her face was round. Adrianne had "chipmunk cheeks", another term the bullies used. She had freckles dotted around on her face, in weird places and they clustered together on her cheeks and nose.

But, she was proud of it. Proud of who she was, and well, she had an amazing best friend.

Ashton always told her she was amazing and beautiful, no matter how much she got bullied, or how much life got to her.

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I heard a knock at the door, as it echoed through the house. Maybe it was Ashton who was offering me a ride to school, as it chucked down with rain. "Morning miss Adrianne, would you like a lift to the place I call prison?" He laughed, Ashton's laugh was like a little school girls.

"Of course, it's raining and I straightened my hair today."

"Oh no, can't have your lovely brown and blue hair being frizzy!" He gasped, and said sarcastically. I playfully hit him in the arm as I held a burgundy hoody over my head to protect my just straightened hair.

Ashton and I ducked into Ashton's crappy little car, which was a horrid shade of green with vinyl stickers on the back. I took the jacket off my head and did my seatbelt, "Guess what day it is Adrianne!" Ashton cheered, I just looked at him. "Do you seriously not remember?" He started his car and reversed out of my driveway, I shook my head.

"You're my best friend and after knowing me for 14 years, you should know my memory is worse than a goldfish's," I turned down the radio which was playing some sort of song by Sleeping With Sirens.

"It's party day!" Ashton said, driving down the streets.

"Are you forgetting how amazingly unpopular we are, Ashton? Not even the geeks want to speak to us," I laughed, as she took out a small tub of grapes and ate them, as I skipped breakfast this morning, no reason, I just didn't feel like it.

Ashton rolled his eyes at his friends remark, "Who cares, there's alcohol, what kid our age wouldn't come to a party where alcohol is supplied?" I just shrugged.

"You're gonna get walked over, Irwin," I said in my apparent British accent. "Half of the people going don't even know our names."

"Michael Clifford is coming."

"And?" I stared out of the window, paying attention to the little potter patters of the rain drops on the window.

"I thought you liked him," Ashton pulled into the school car park and parked relatively close to the school, as the rain started to stop, slowly.

"In year 7, Ashton," I rolled my eyes, and put away the small tub still containing a few grapes. "That was like 5 years ago, I think things have changed." I pointed to my stomach and Ashton outed his lips.

"Would you shut up, you're beautiful," He smiled as he grabbed his bag from the boot of his car, the rain was only drizzling right now.

"Just waiting for Calum Hood or Luke whatever his last name is to call me fat or chipmunk cheeks again," I said as I threw my bag over my shoulder. Ashton and I walked into the large building, which let of antiseptic and the smell coming from the canteen that morning.

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