"hey wanna hear a dick joke"

352 21 4

"Happy Saturday Adrianne," I heard the door shut, assuming it was Ash.

"Welcome into my home Ash, don't bother knocking," I laughed as he threw his body down on the sofa next to me, making the tea in my mug jolt from side to side.

"Ha ha, very funny." Ashton laughed sarcastically, "Anyway, how are you from last night?" Ashton looked rough, his hair wasn't styled, it was in a beanie and he wore his glasses, which was unusual.

"I didn't drink much, so I'm okay. What about you?" I sipped my tea, "Your hair is flat."


"That's a very short summary, Ashton." I stated, pressing play on my South Park DVD on my X-Box. "But I'll take it."

"What happened with you and Mike?" I shrugged, "He seemed pretty upset after you stormed out of the garden last night. Did he upset you?"

"Of course he didn't, I'm just, I don't know," I sipped my tea again, "Confused, I guess."

"What went down?" Ashton say up as he danced along to the South Park theme tune, I rolled my eyes as I looked at him, he grabbed a fleece blanket that was behind the sofa and wrapped it around himself.

"He was telling me that he's sorry about Luke and Calum, and how he doesn't actually like them or something weird like that," I crossed my legs on my seat and looked at Ashton who was closely examining the animations on the screen, "He's kind of a head fuck."

"Word went round last night that he told Jack he likes you," Ashton took off his glasses and looked at me.

I scoffed, and maybe laughed a little. "Yeah, right." I laughed again, watching the small animated characters me the television.

"Jack is his best friend, I doubt he would lie to Jack," Ashton whipped his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it, "At my party last night Jack gave me his number," He got up his texts, a text from Jack appeared at the top of the pile. "Michael Clifford likes you."

From Jack Barakat 

mikey does like adrianne, he's just told me dude why would i lie to u

To Jack Barakat

try telling that to her lol

From Jack Barakat

hey wanna hear a dick joke

To Jack Barakat


From Jack Barakat

okay, night ash

"And that's how I know," Ash smiled to himself, and threw his phone on the coffee table beside me and exhaled heavily.

"Michael and Jack did drink last night, Ash," Ashton rolled his eyes, maybe because I was ocming up with petty excuses.

"Fine, believe what you want to belive babe, we all know it's true."

"Ash, he never showed any interest in me until last night, if he really liked me he'd of told his stupid friends to back off a while ago," I fought my corner, earning a sad, thoughtful look from Ashton, where his brow furrowed.

"M-Maybe he was scared," I turned my head to the boy next to me, pausing the DVD. "You know, some people are scared to admit to their feelings for a long time," This is when Ashton turns into councillor Ashton, "He probably didn't want the other boys to think he had a thing for you, remember when I liked Sadie King in year 10?" I nodded, "She's one of the most popular girls in our year, and me being a complete and utter reject, got ridiculed when people found out I liked her, remember?" I sipped my tea as Ashton walked into the kitchen to make himself a drink, as I followed him. "Maybe he's scared, because he's still in denial himself, he's just trying to figure you out, Adrianne." Ashton took my mug out of my hand and grabbed himself one but the cabinet, along with tea bags and sugar. "When you like someone, it's not really a short term thing, babe," Ashton looked at me as he filled up my mum's blue polka dot kettle with water, "And I'm sure he's just as confused as you, I mean, Michael doesn't get into relationships-"

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