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bestie boo 💚

What happened between
you and Jeremy?


He threw his phone across the
room and yelled "Fuck Elaine"

nothing happened lmao
you know me , messing up always

Is "nothing" what happened
between you and Elena too?

Did she yell fuck Elaine too 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

No, put she refuses to bring
you up in conversations

Seriously ?

Dead serious 😕
Matt last night was talking
how we should go swimming and
then he started to say how you always
were the fastest and
that down and started talking
about candles 💀

Great, my siblings hate me 😀🤦🏼‍♀️
wait wait wait, this bitch  spoke about
candles out of everything

LMAOO, bitch a candellllll
bye, they dont hate you
Oh dramatic ass

Mel, I'm going to ask you a question
I need you to be honest with me okay
Like 100% no holding back type of shit

I always am how
hoe* wtf

Do you think it was a mistake

What was a mistake?

Bitch what else
me leaving , duh

Elaborate 🤔

Do you think me leaving
everyone behind was a terrible idea ?

Yes and No

Say more

Yes I do think it was a bad idea
but not really at the same time

bitch you know what I mean 🙄

I understand why you did it, you were hurt
and you needed space
I don't understand why you didn't just tell
and then on top of that you decided to
ignore everyone when they were just
trying to help

I detect judgement in your words 😆

I'm not judging you. I'm just saying
I see both sides to the argument

So you think it was a dumb idea

Elaine, I'm not doing
this with you okay 🤦🏼‍♀️

Doing what ? I'm not doing anything.

Yes, and you "not doing anything"
led to an argument w/
both your siblings

Okay and
What does that have to
do with anything

You want me to take your side
and tell you you're right
when you're not.

All I did was ask a simple question
and you started fussing wtf

I started fussing, because I
know how you are
you're going to get mad
and we're going to start arguing
And i dont have time for that

Oh, I'm sorry Miss Busy girl
didn't realize I was such a bother 😂

Listen, I'm in a good space rn.
I'm happy and I'm actually enjoying
myself and I understand that you're
unhappy at the world and want to
take your anger out on
someone or something but
it's not going to be me.
Not today not every.

You're enjoying yourself
with MY friends and family 🤣
you seem to be making yourself right
at home now that I'm gone , but when
I was there you didn't speak to anyone

What are you trying to say 

I'm not trying to say anything,
just calling it how
I see it   👀

Elaine, you're being ridiculous rn

I bet I am, Melissa
Is that why you drove me to the airport
Wanted me gone so you could fit in my life better

AND this is why you're going
to lose everyone who cares about you,
instead of being a child and
trying to point the finger at everyone
else, just admit that you
were wrong and come back.

And if I don't want to come back

Atp, I don't care if you do
You can stay in Canada until that bitch
ass attitude you have disappears
that makes me the
third person in Mystic that is
done w/ you 🤗


Good, and I'm blocking you too
since you don't care it wont affect you

Good, and I'm blocking you toosince you don't care it wont affect you

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Can't have you guys like Elaine forever, you know

I just want to thank everyone for 41K read on Pretty Girls ❤️ you're all so sweet and i love you even though I don't know any of you

But before you go, listen to my story

So I take college classes but I'm a senior, its come extra credit program we do at my private school

And i gave this boy my number cause he asked for it, he's cute but like ion want anything serious now

He keeps texting me telling me to call him an uber so he can come see me , like excuse me 💀

First of all I don't even know your name and if you wanna see me call YOURSELF an uber tf

And like idc , cause you know I'm not stingy but its like why can't we go out to like the theatre or like bowling, why do I have to call YOU an uber to come to my house. So i blocked his number and I pray to GOD i dont see him tomorrow

btw do you like the new cover ? Im literally the most basic bitch, all my covers are like plain asf

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